Simple container for paged views.
pod 'PagedViewContainer', '~> 0.2'
Uses UIView
not UIViewController
Could be configured throught PagedViewContainerConfig
You could disable some pages at runtime and hide it.
Check more examples in /Examples folder.
let config = PagedViewContainerConfig(
pagesBackgroundColor: .white,
menuBackgroundColor: .lightGray,
activeItemTextColor: .black,
inactiveItemTextColor: .gray,
indicatorColor: .black)
Add container to your view:
let bestConfig: PagedViewContainerConfig = ...
let greatView: UIView = ...
let awesomeView: UIView = ...
let items = [
PageItem(title: "Great view", view: greatView),
PageItem(title: "Awesome view", view: awesomeView)
let pagedContainer = PagedViewContainer(config: bestConfig)
pagedContainer.setup(with: items)
Disable/enable page:
pageContainer.set(page: 1, isEnabled: false)