This is a Nuxt.js v2 starter project template used for ACLU-branded projects
- Axios (axios-module)
- Bulma (with nuxt-purgecss)
- eslint + prettier
- ACLU branding (per ACLU style guidelines), including logo assets
Node version between v10 ~ v12. If you are using NVM for Node version control, you can set up your Node version as follows:
# To install and use node v12:
$ nvm install 12
$ nvm use 12
This is a project template for vue-cli.
If you don't yet have vue-cli installed:
$ npm install -g vue-cli
This template requires vue-cli v2.x. If you are using vue-cli v3, you will also need to install @vue/cli-init
: (see docs for more info)
$ npm install -g @vue/cli-init
- Initiate the Nuxt project using this template:
$ vue init aclu-national/nuxt2-starter-template my-project
$ cd my-project
- Install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install
- Spin up the development server
$ npm run dev
Your project will be available at http://localhost:3000
For more information, see your project's generated
- Requires a version of vlue-cli >- 2.1
- The initial npm install will fail unless you have updated the github access token for
, which is a private repo (see that project for details)
Given the fast-paced nature of these projects, this template may not have the latest updates used by our other front-end repos. The following steps will help you check for updates and get you oriented with the code and design patterns for other nuxt-based frontends.
@import 'assets/scss/mixins.scss'
# Also pulls in variables.scss and ~bulma/sass/utilities/mixins
<section class="section pt-md pt-sm-touch pb-xl info-box__section">
# Most page layout styles use the CSS framework
'assets/scss/spacing.scss' contains the explanation of the custom spacing classes
used in the above example.
# TIP: Learn how to decipher pt-md and pb-xl in that file
# TIP: Keep a tab open with this bulma page to remind you of what's available
After initiating the template, check for any fresh updates or additions (from new repos) to the following:
/static/_headers (used for CSP headers mainly)
If you find updates, add them to the /template/
files in this repo and help the next person!
Assuming this project is hosted on Netlify, you can set up redirects in a /static/_redirects
file. Netlify will read that file and initiate redirects on initial app/page load.