Provides persistent storage for ACONA Data, using a timescale database.
It uses postgREST to turn the database into a RESTful API.
Rename .env_template to .env and set your passwords and secrets there. See about authentication process and token generation.
Then run
docker-compose up -d
Delete the pgdata folder and run
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate
when you want to start from scratch again.
Postgres user "acona_admin": Will be created by docker for administration purpose.
Postgres user "app_user": For authenticated queries, e.g. writing data via API.
Postgres user "api_anon": For anonymous usage, e.g. for public API queries.
Postgres user "authenticator": A user with limited permissions. It's a chameleon whose job is to “become” other users to service authenticated HTTP requests.
See more about Postgrest authentication here:
Postgres schema for API usage: api
docker ps
docker exec -it CONTAINER bash (timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg13 container)
psql -U acona_admin -d acona_data_warehouse -h localhost
Now you are logged in psql.
Sometimes needed when you create new functions.
docker kill -s SIGUSR1 CONTAINER (postgrest/postgrest container)
For using the api you need to have your personal JWT Token with the following payload:
"role": "app_user",
"email": ""
Of course you can change the internal.users table accordingly. More:
Locally you can run a curl command like this for all api tables:
export TOKEN="<paste your token here>"
curl -G "localhost:3000/rpc/acona_urls_success" -d domain= -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN";
export TOKEN="<paste your token here>"
curl http://localhost:3000/metric_d_bounces -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": "", "value": "10", "date": "2021-08-19"}'
More documentation about table structure and API usage is coming soon.