Use i18next, the popular internationalization Javascript library (, with Angular2.
A demo is available on github: ng2-i18next-demo-rc3
This procedure is based on a fresh angular-cli install and uses the i18next XHR backend to read locales from XHR and the browser language detector module to detect language from the browser language preferences.
npm install ng2-i18next --save
This will also install three i18next packages (i18next, i18next-browser-languagedetector and i18next-xhr-backend), necessary for this module to work.
var app = new Angular2App(defaults, {
vendorNpmFiles: [
const map: any = {
'ng2-i18next': 'vendor/ng2-i18next',
'i18next': 'vendor/i18next/i18next.min.js',
'i18nextXHRBackend': 'vendor/i18next-xhr-backend/i18nextXHRBackend.min.js',
'i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector': 'vendor/i18next-browser-languagedetector/i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector.min.js'
/** User packages configuration. */
const packages: any = {
'vendor/ng2-i18next': {
format: 'cjs',
defaultExtension: 'js'
'i18next': { format: 'global' },
'i18nextXHRBackend': { format: 'global' },
'i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector': { format: 'global' }
import 'i18next';
import 'i18nextXHRBackend';
import 'i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector';
In this example, the I18nService will initialize the i18next object and load the locales via XHR backend and use browser language detector module.
import {I18nService, I18nServiceConfig} from 'ng2-i18next/ng2-i18next';
declare var i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector: any;
declare var i18nextXHRBackend: any;
provide(I18nServiceConfig, {
useValue: {
use: [i18nextBrowserLanguageDetector, i18nextXHRBackend],
config: {
detection: { order: ['navigator'] },
fallbackLng: 'en'
providers: [NG2_I18NEXT_PROVIDERS]
Your locales have to be placed, for each language <lang>
, in src/locales/<lang>/translation.json
For example:
"hello-world": "Hello World! ng2-i18next works!",
"what-is-your-name": "What is your name?"
"hello-world": "Salut les terriens ! ng2-i18next fonctionne !",
"what-is-your-name": "Comment tu t'appelles ?"
Two directives are available:
to replace the contents of a tag with the localization of the given key,i18n-placeholder
to replace the contents of theplaceholder
attribute with the localization of the given key.
import {I18nDirective} from 'ng2-i18next/ng2-i18next';
templateUrl: 'app.component.html',
directives: [I18nDirective]
<p i18n="hello-world">i18n does not work!</p>
<input type="text" i18n-placeholder="what-is-your-name">
import {I18nService} from 'ng2-i18next/ng2-i18next';
constructor(private i18n: I18nService) { }
myFunction() {
var text = this.i18n.t('hello-world');
It is possible to pass options to the i18next module with this notation:
<p i18n='{"not_found_key": {"defaultValue": "a default value via option"}}'></p>
<p i18n='{"counter": {"count": {{theCounter}}}}'></p>
The i18next module takes some time to load its locales files via XHR and initialize.
For this reason, it is possible that an early call to I18nService.t() does not return a correct value because the i18next module is not yet initialized.
You can subscribe to an observable defined by the I18nService which will send a message when initialization is done.
// case when i18next is already initialized
this.text = this.i18n.t('hello-world');
// case when i18next is not yet initialized
var obs = this.i18n.whenReady$.subscribe(b => {
this.text = this.i18n.t('hello-world');
Or, using a promise:
this.loadAndRender('hello-world', s => this.text = s);
loadAndRender(code: string, doRenderCallback) {
if (!code) {
.then((val: string) => {
.catch((val: string) => {
doRenderCallback(' ');
var obs = this.i18n.whenReady$.subscribe(b => {