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Ubuntu 22.04 (20230426) Image Update

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python2.7 will be removed from the images on May 15, 2023

🖥️ Actions Runner Image: Ubuntu 22.04

  • OS Version: 22.04.2 LTS
  • Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1036-azure
  • Image Version: 20230426.1
  • Systemd version: 249.11-0ubuntu3.9

📣 What's changed?


Category Tool name Previous (20230417.1) Current (20230426.1)
Kernel Version 5.15.0-1035-azure 5.15.0-1036-azure
Language and Runtime Kotlin 1.8.20-release-327 1.8.21-release-380
Package Management Homebrew 4.0.14 4.0.15
Miniconda 23.1.0 23.3.1
Vcpkg (build from commit 305fa7375) (build from commit 70992f649)
Tools Ansible 2.14.4 2.14.5
AzCopy 10.18.0 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases 10.18.1 - available by 'azcopy' and 'azcopy10' aliases
Bazel 6.1.1 6.1.2
CodeQL Action Bundles 2.12.5 2.12.6 2.12.6 2.13.0
Docker Compose v2 2.17.2+azure-1 2.17.3+azure-1
Docker-Moby Client 20.10.23+azure-2 20.10.24+azure-1
Docker-Moby Server 20.10.23+azure-3 20.10.24+azure-1
Git 2.40.0 2.40.1
OpenSSL 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.9
Pulumi 3.63.0 3.64.0
R 4.2.3 4.3.0
yamllint 1.30.0 1.31.0
CLI Tools Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.161 3.0.162
AWS CLI 2.11.13 2.11.15
AWS SAM CLI 1.80.0 1.81.0
Azure CLI 2.47.0 2.48.1
GitHub CLI 2.27.0 2.28.0
Google Cloud SDK 426.0.0 428.0.0
Netlify CLI 14.0.0 14.3.0
OpenShift CLI 4.12.12 4.12.14
Vercel CLI 28.18.5 28.20.0
Rust Tools Cargo 1.68.2 1.69.0
Rust 1.68.2 1.69.0
Rustdoc 1.68.2 1.69.0
Rustup 1.25.2 1.26.0
Rust Tools >
Cargo clippy 0.1.68 0.1.69
Rustfmt 1.5.1 1.5.2
Browsers and Drivers Google Chrome 112.0.5615.121 112.0.5615.165
Microsoft Edge 112.0.1722.48 112.0.1722.58
Microsoft Edge WebDriver 112.0.1722.48 112.0.1722.58
Selenium server 4.8.0 4.9.0
Mozilla Firefox 112.0.1 112.0.2
PowerShell Tools >
PowerShell Modules
Microsoft.Graph 1.25.0 1.26.0

Cached Docker images

Repository:Tag Digest Created
moby/buildkit:latest ~~sha256:ca34989052fc2467dcd283d2000c2ad8c7cd6213c5ff0fcabef1a9cfb0651b3a ~~ 2023-03-23
ubuntu:20.04 ~~sha256:24a0df437301598d1a4b62ddf59fa0ed2969150d70d748c84225e6501e9c36b9 ~~ 2023-03-08
moby/buildkit:latest sha256:d6fa89830c26919acba23c5cafa09df0c3ec1fbde20bb2a15ff349e0795241f4 2023-04-20
ubuntu:20.04 sha256:db8bf6f4fb351aa7a26e27ba2686cf35a6a409f65603e59d4c203e58387dc6b3 2023-04-13

Installed apt packages

Name Version
libssl-dev 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8
tzdata 2023c-0ubuntu0.22.04.0
libssl-dev 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.9
tzdata 2023c-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

For comprehensive list of software installed on this image please click here.