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TrustedForm iOS Mobile SDK
Jesse Hiatt edited this page Dec 5, 2024
16 revisions
TrustedForm iOS SDK provides functionality to track and verify user consent in iOS applications. It supports both UIKit and SwiftUI frameworks, offering seamless integration for form tracking and consent management.
Add a package by selecting File
→ Add Packages…
in Xcode’s menu bar.
Search for the Trustef Form SDK using the repo's URL:
Next, set the Dependency Rule to be Up to Next Major Version
Then, select Add Package.
import SwiftUI
import TrustedFormSwift
struct SwiftUIDemoApp: App {
init() {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
extension SwiftUIDemoApp {
private func configureTrustedFormSDK() {
// Configure the SDK
appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
// Optional: Enable verbose logging for development
import UIKit
import TrustedFormSwift
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Configure the SDK
appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",
accessToken: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN"
// Optional: Enable verbose logging for development
return true
import SwiftUI
import TrustedForm
struct AppContent: View {
private var certificate: Certificate? = nil
var body: some View {
Text("Hello World!")
.onAppear {
guard certificate == nil else { return }
Task {
await setupTracking()
private func setupTracking() async {
do {
// Create a certificate
let certificate = try await TrustedForm.default.createCertificate()
// Start tracking
TrustedForm.default.startTracking(for: certificate)
self.certificate = certificate
} catch {
print("Failed to create certificate: \(error.localizedDescription)")
private func cleanup() {
// Stop tracking when form is submitted or view disappears
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.stopTracking(for: certificate)
import UIKit
import TrustedForm
class ViewController: UIViewController {
private var certificate: Certificate? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
Task {
await setupTracking()
private func setupTracking() async {
do {
// Create a certificate
let certificate = try await TrustedForm.default.createCertificate()
// Start tracking
TrustedForm.default.startTracking(for: certificate)
self.certificate = certificate
} catch {
print("Failed to create certificate: \(error.localizedDescription)")
private func cleanup() {
// Stop tracking when form is submitted or view disappears
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.stopTracking(for: certificate)
import SwiftUI
import TrustedFormSwift
struct ConsentForm: View {
@State private var firstName = ""
@State private var lastName = ""
@State private var email = ""
@State private var agreeToTerms = false
@State private var certificate: Certificate?
let submissionId = UUID().uuidString
var body: some View {
Form {
TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "First Name"
binding: $firstName
TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName)
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Last Name"
binding: $lastName
TextField("Email", text: $email)
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Email"
binding: $email
Toggle("I agree to terms", isOn: $agreeToTerms)
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Terms Agreement"
binding: $agreeToTerms
Button("Submit") {
// Handle form submission
.trustedFormRole(.submit(submissionId: submissionId))
.onAppear {
Task {
do {
certificate = try await TrustedForm.default.createCertificate()
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.startTracking(for: certificate)
} catch {
print("Failed to create certificate: \(error)")
.onDisappear {
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.stopTracking(for: certificate)
import UIKit
import TrustedFormSwift
class ConsentFormViewController: UIViewController {
private var certificate: Certificate?
private let submissionId = UUID().uuidString
private lazy var firstNameField: UITextField = {
let field = UITextField()
field.placeholder = "First Name"
field.borderStyle = .roundedRect
field.tfElementRole = .consentTrackedText(
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "First Name"
return field
private lazy var lastNameField: UITextField = {
let field = UITextField()
field.placeholder = "Last Name"
field.borderStyle = .roundedRect
field.tfElementRole = .consentTrackedText(
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Last Name"
return field
private lazy var emailField: UITextField = {
let field = UITextField()
field.placeholder = "Email"
field.borderStyle = .roundedRect
field.tfElementRole = .consentTrackedText(
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Email"
return field
private lazy var termsSwitch: UISwitch = {
let toggle = UISwitch()
toggle.tfElementRole = .consentTrackedInput(
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "Terms Agreement"
return toggle
private lazy var submitButton: UIButton = {
let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setTitle("Submit", for: .normal)
button.tfElementRole = .submit(submissionId: submissionId)
button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(submitTapped), for: .touchUpInside)
return button
override func viewDidLoad() {
private func setupUI() {
// Add and layout subviews
// (Layout constraints omitted for brevity)
private func setupTracking() {
Task {
do {
certificate = try await TrustedForm.default.createCertificate()
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.startTracking(for: certificate)
} catch {
print("Failed to create certificate: \(error)")
@objc private func submitTapped() {
// Handle form submission
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
if let certificate = certificate {
TrustedForm.default.stopTracking(for: certificate)
Element Roles
: For submit buttons, form submission controls -
: For consent text display (the actual terms/language being shown) -
: For checkboxes/toggles that indicate acceptance of the corresponding consent language -
: For advertiser name labels that correspond to opt-in controls -
: For advertiser opt-in controls (checkboxes/toggles) -
: For form field labels that need tracking -
: For toggles and checkboxes that correspond to tracked fields -
: For text input fields (e.g., name, email, phone number)
Note: Elements with matching indices (e.g., .consentLanguage and .consentLanguageInput) work together as pairs for proper tracking.
TextField("SSN", text: $ssn)
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "SSN"
binding: $ssn
let ssnField = UITextField()
ssnField.placeholder = "SSN"
ssnField.tfElementRole = .consentTrackedText(
submissionId: submissionId,
label: "SSN"
ssnField.isSensitive = true
- Always start tracking before displaying forms
- Stop tracking when forms are submitted or dismissed
- Use appropriate element roles for different form components
- Mark sensitive fields appropriately
- Maintain unique submission IDs for different forms
- Handle errors gracefully
- Clean up resources when forms are dismissed