(c) actraiser/Dustlayer
Dustlayer WHQ: http://dustlayer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dustlayer.c64.coding
Twitter: https://twitter.com/actraiser
Email: actraiser@dustlayer.com
Dust is part of a bigger project consisting of a blog with coding tutorials and various projects. Check the Website.
Dust ist a node.js driven versatile command line suite for new and experienced C64 programmers on Mac OSX. This first version installs and configures the tool chain and helps you to kickstart cross-development projects.
- Cross Development Setup Installer
- Installs and configures all tools required for efficient C64 Coding (currently only OSX)
- Vice
- Crunchers
- and more
- Automatic Sublime Installation and Configuration
- 6502 and BASIC syntax highlighting
- Instangt Build & Run Options for ASM and BASIC projects
- Auto-Start in Vice via BASIC loader
- Installs and configures all tools required for efficient C64 Coding (currently only OSX)
- Advanced Vice integration
- Labels export to Vice Monitor at Build time
- Compile and Run in Vice from Editor
- C64 Coding Tutorials
- Generate new ASM or BASIC project from Tutorials Database
- Preconfigured Projects with BASIC Loader
- Follows Dustlayer project layout
- Runs and Compiles without modifications
- Generate new ASM or BASIC project from Tutorials Database
Install node.js from nodejs.org for your operating system. Then install dust via the node package manager
sudo npm install -g dustlayer
Then you are good to go, typical you want to setup the tools:
dust setup
[... once this is done ...]
dust test # shows if everything is in place
Download a tutorial to check if your setup works:
cd ~
dust tutorials # list tutorial code and select one for download
# cd into the directory and run dust compile
dust compile # compiles the C64 code and runs it in the C64 Emulator
or open the project in Sublime first and build from context menu
# cd into the directory
sublime .
Then hit CMD-B - if nothing happens, you need to select one time the appropriate build system in Tools->Build System->C64-6502, then hit again CMD-B
Checkout http://dustlayer.com for tutorials and an indepth explanation how all that stuff works.