Based on fis3 of fex-team, one-line command realizes less parsing + JS compression and merging + static resource hash of traditional website pages.
适用于传统 HTML + CSS + JS 的开发方式。
It is suitable for the development of traditional HTML + CSS + JS.
npm i -g fis-um
Be sure to enter the path_src directory before executing the command
运行编译 / Build
fis-um release
运行前清除缓存 / Clean before build
fis-um release -c
开发(监听文件改变) / Development(watching)
fis-um release -w
To create config.js and put it into the path_src directory of source code, the first three parameters must be filled in, and the latter parameters can be filled in as needed.
module.exports = [{
// 入口文件 *.html 或 /*/**/*.{html,shtml}
entry_files: '*.html',
// src文件夹
path_src: 'rs',
// dist文件夹
path_dist: 'rd',
// 部署文件夹
path_deploy: '',
// 是否启用amd
amd: false,
// 是否是相对路径
relative: false,
// 是否压缩
minimum: false,
// 是否加hash
hash: true,
// 资源域名
domain: false,
// 代码配置,会将该配置直接替换全局
code_config: {
host: '//adas.umdev.cn',
// 不生成mod的文件
not_mod_files: ['{global,$lib}/**.js'],
// 在html中附件全局资源
loader_libs: {
'*.html': ['/3rd/global/web.js']
// 自定义打包规则
package: [{
files: '/(*)/({_,$,})(*)/**.{js,htm,tpl}',
to: '/$1/asset/$3.js'
}, {
files: '/(*)/({_,$,})(*)/**.{css,less}',
to: '/$1/asset/$3.css'
}, {
files: '/3rd/**',
to: false
// 全局替换
replace: [{
files: '*.{html,js}',
rules: [{search: /time/g, replace: 'time'}]
// 发布目录
release: [{
files: '/(*)/({_,$})(**)',
to: "/$1/$3"