Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_LvGL_Glue
2.1.6 - Improvements for ESP32-x platforms
2.1.5 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
2.1.4 - Added fix to deal with library version syntax constraints
Version sync for Arduino Lib Manager
2.1.3 Bump version number again to try to get Arduino Lib Mgr to pick this up
Version sync for Arduino Lib Manager
2.1.1 Bump version # to appease Arduino Library Manager
LittlevGL 8 support
Version 2.1.0 eliminates the "widgets" examples -- only the simple "hello" examples are provided now. LittlevGL development moves faster than we have resources to continually update our examples. You'll fare better starting with one of the official LittlevGL examples, bringing in just the display and input initialization from one of our "hello" examples.
Add SD card subclass for loading images
See hello_featherwing_sd example.
Reduce RAM use on some boards, add FunHouse examples
Extra space for double-buffered refreshes is now allocated only when USE_SPI_DMA is enabled in Adafruit_GFX — that’s mostly SAMD51 and a few others.
Bug fixes for logging & compiler warning
2.0.1 version increment for recent PRs
2.0 overhaul for LittlevGL 7.11 compatibility
This is a breaking change to bring this code up to date with LittlevGL. Their lv_arduino library is now deprecated in favor of lvgl. See "hello_changes.ino" example for summary of changes and how to work with LittlevGL going forward. Use on M0 (SAMD21) devices is discouraged on all but the simplest projects.