Mainly forked the major basic configuration of lukmy. Used for Go Developing, Python Developing,Ruby Assistance is also in plan.
brew install vim --with-lua Local Install
$ git clone ~/vimrc.d
$ cd ~/vimrc.d
$ ./
Net Install
$ curl | sh
means <mapleader>
in vim, in this situation it is ,
. All shortcuts below only works in Normal Mode.
means Toggle Nerd Tree<leader>t
- Be careful that there is no
but a space behind command. We can add another directory argument for this command or just type<cr>
for vim launch directory.
- Be careful that there is no
means Open basic_vimrc.vim, this is for normal settings.<leader>ee
means Open installed_plugins.vim, this is for plugin settings- EasyMotion actions used the default keymap settings, so if u want to activate a EasyMotion motion, u need to use ` as map leader
I use Vundle for plugin management, but there is a problem that vundle uses g:bundles
to record installed bundles, I don't want to use it because it's not clear for list. So I use another way for vundle.
I use installed_plugins.vim for installing plugins, just add plugin into this file.
Please do obey the rule I used below for plugin installation. It might not be simple, but it's clear.
" => Please add plugin name here
Plugin 'plugin/repo' " we can see the usage from vundle document
" Please add plugin configuration here
" Let's end by a blank line
After adding contents, just type :BundleInstall
in vim or vim +BundleInstall +qall
in shell for plugin installation.
- CtrlP for amazing file jump and function jump
- Vim-Airline for fancy vim status bar
- Fugitive for git assistance
- EasyMotion for amazing in-file jump
- Jedi for python completion
- Tmuxline for tmux poewline generation
- NERDTree as file explorer
- Salt-Vim for salt formula support
- Tagbar for tag display
- vim-surround for quoting/parenthesizing made simple