IMPORTANT: I would not use this library to generate actual passwords. It's purely a coding exercise and hasn't been reviewed for security vulnerabilities.
This was the result of a coding challenge in which the prompt was to create a command line app/library in Python to generate a random password based on a provided JSON configuration file. The full specification can be found here.
To install the package: clone the repo, change directory into the project folder, and run the script:
git clone
cd password-generator
python3 install
The most straightforward way to generate a password is on the command line, using one of the two provided configuration files:
python -m password_gen config_examples/config.json
This will print a random password that matches the specification in the config.json file to stdout.
Alternatively, you can use it as part of a Python script of your own:
from password_gen import PasswordGenerator
with open('config_examples/config.json', 'rt') as f:
config =
pgen = PasswordGenerator(config)
new_password =
The most detailed explanation of all the configuration options can be found in the specification, but here is a summary:
There are 4 possible key-value pairs: length, allowed_characters, required_characters, and violations. The only section that needs to be present in a config file is "allowed_characters". Here is a sample of a full configuration file:
"length": 12,
"allowed_characters": {
"groups": {
"special": "!@#$%&*()[]{}"
"constants": {
"lowercase": "ascii_lowercase",
"uppercase": "ascii_uppercase",
"numbers": "digits"
"required_characters" : [
[1, "group", "special"],
[2, "constant", "uppercase"],
[2, "constant", "lowercase"],
[2, "constant", "numbers"]
"violations" : {
"consecutive": 2,
"occurrence": 2,
"sequential": [
[3, "constant", "numbers"],
[3, "constant", "uppercase"],
[3, "constant", "lowercase"]
"verboten": [