This Dockerfile is used build a Headless Chrome (Chromium) container with the same version of Chrome used in Puppeteer. This was built primary as an easy way to use Puppeteer in a remote container without having to figure out what version of Chromium needs to be installed with every Puppeteer release (Puppeteer will not be installed in this container). This Dockerfile is also used as a base image for Chromie a Headless Chrome proxy server I built. Check it out!
Once a day TravisCI will check for new versions of Puppeteer based on the release tag and
will automatically build a new container and tag it with the same version number as Puppeteer.
For example Puppeteer v1.5.0 will translate to chromie/headless-chrome-puppeteer:v1.5.0
docker run -d -p 9222:9222 --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN chromie/headless-chrome-puppeteer:v1.5.0
You can access the DevTools by pointing your browser to http://localhost:9222/