This template provides a way to deploy a Vaultwarden in a Azure Container App with external file share and database storage that can be used to backup restore data easly.
- Click above button and select
- Resource Group - all resources will be created in that group, you can choose also to create new one
- Storage Account Type - in case that you you like to be more resistant for failure you may choose Standard_GRS or any other storage with redundancy.
- AdminAPI Key - it will be generated automaticly or you can specify your own one. It will be used to access /admin page
- Choose memory and cpu sizing - I recommend to start with 0.25 cpu and 0.5 Memory
The total CPU and memory allocations requested for all the containers in a container app must add up to one of the following combinations.
CPU Memory 0.25 0.5Gi 0.5 1.0Gi 0.75 1.5Gi 1.0 2.0Gi 1.25 2.5Gi 1.5 3.0Gi 1.75 3.5Gi 2.0 4.0Gi
- Deploy
- provide databaseAdmin passowrd
- Resource vaultwarden Microsoft.App/containerApps failed - if in some case you will notice failed message, just click redeploy and reenter same data as before - it may happen when Azure provision resources and link to storage isn't created at time.
in Azure Portal:
- Open Resource Group -> vaultwarden -> Revision management -> Create revision -> type name/suffix -> check vaultwarden in Container image section -> create This will update your vaultwarden container app into most recent version, keeping data in place, in no downtime.
- Resource Group -> vaultwarden -> Containers -> Environment Variables -> double click on ADMIN_TOKEN value