Create a versatile language to allow simple implementation of graph data structures and algorithms.
Hosanna Fuller, manager Rachel Gordon, language guru Adam Incera, system architect Yumeng Liao, yl2908, tester
Add the following line to your .bash_profile: export DOTS=/Users/rcgordon/code/class/coms4115-plt/dots/src/clib
This adds the DOTS environment variable to your shell's path, which is a dependency for the dots compiler.
in order to get the latest changes, run:
make clean;
make library
This turns the clib dependnecies into a library archive that the dots compiler uses.
In your dots compiler folder, run: make setup make
In order to compile the ./dotc compiler you must run:
make clean; make
Then to test specific files you can either run the file directly with the ./dotc compiler ie:
./dotc dtest/example.dots
./exec example.dots.c
Or if you want to execute the file in one fell swoop:
./gdc dtest/example.dots