nuts-flow is largely a thin wrapper around Python’s itertools that allows
the chaining of iterators using the >>
operator. This leads to more
readable code that highlights the flow of data. The following example shows
two implementations of a simple data processing pipeline; the first based on
itertools and the second using nuts-flow:
>>> from itertools import islice, ifilter >>> list(islice(ifilter(lambda x: x > 5, xrange(10)), 3)) [6, 7, 8]>>> from nutsflow import Range, Filter, Take, Collect, _ >>> Range(10) >> Filter(_ > 5) >> Take(3) >> Collect() [6, 7, 8]
Both examples extract the first three numbers within range [0, 9] that are greater than five. However, the nuts-flow pipeline is easier to understand than the nested itertools code.
nuts-flow is the base for nuts-ml, which is described here .