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[Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerabilities #916

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base: master
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This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.


Snyk has created this PR to fix 1 vulnerabilities in the yarn dependencies of this project.

Snyk changed the following file(s):

  • standalone-packages/codesandbox-browserfs/package.json
  • standalone-packages/codesandbox-browserfs/yarn.lock
  • standalone-packages/codesandbox-browserfs/.snyk

Note for zero-installs users

If you are using the Yarn feature zero-installs that was introduced in Yarn V2, note that this PR does not update the .yarn/cache/ directory meaning this code cannot be pulled and immediately developed on as one would expect for a zero-install project - you will need to run yarn to update the contents of the ./yarn/cache directory.
If you are not using zero-install you can ignore this as your flow should likely be unchanged.


  • Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.
  • Max score is 1000. Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.
  • This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

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…ne-packages/codesandbox-browserfs/yarn.lock & standalone-packages/codesandbox-browserfs/.snyk to reduce vulnerabilities

The following vulnerabilities are fixed with a Snyk patch:
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google-cla bot commented Jun 16, 2024

Thanks for your pull request! It looks like this may be your first contribution to a Google open source project. Before we can look at your pull request, you'll need to sign a Contributor License Agreement (CLA).

View this failed invocation of the CLA check for more information.

For the most up to date status, view the checks section at the bottom of the pull request.

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New and removed dependencies detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

Package New capabilities Transitives Size Publisher
npm/@snyk/protect@1.1291.1 environment, filesystem, network 0 47.8 kB snyk-admin
npm/@types/archiver@2.1.2 None +2 15.3 kB types
npm/@types/async@2.0.31 None 0 15.2 kB types
npm/@types/body-parser@1.17.0 None +1 11.2 kB types
npm/@types/events@3.0.0 None 0 3.78 kB types
npm/@types/express@4.16.1 None +3 53.4 kB types
npm/@types/filesystem@0.0.28 None +1 32 kB types
npm/@types/isomorphic-fetch@0.0.34 None 0 2.67 kB types
npm/@types/mocha@5.2.6 None 0 99 kB types
npm/@types/node@10.5.8 None 0 524 kB types
npm/@types/rimraf@2.0.2 None +2 13.2 kB types
npm/abbrev@1.0.9 None 0 3.41 kB isaacs
npm/accepts@1.3.5 None +1 44.6 kB dougwilson
npm/acorn@6.1.1 None 0 1.09 MB marijn
npm/align-text@0.1.4 None +1 13.5 kB shinnn
npm/aproba@1.2.0 None 0 8.18 kB iarna
npm/archiver@2.1.1 filesystem +1 61 kB ctalkington
npm/are-we-there-yet@1.1.4 None +1 22.9 kB iarna
npm/async-es@2.6.2 Transitive: eval +1 860 kB aearly
npm/async@2.6.2 None 0 541 kB aearly
npm/bfs-path@0.1.2 None 0 73.9 kB jvilk
npm/bfs-process@0.1.6 None 0 57.8 kB jvilk
npm/bn.js@4.11.7 None 0 99.4 kB indutny
npm/body-parser@1.18.3 network 0 55.9 kB dougwilson
npm/browserify-aes@1.0.6 None +2 41.5 kB cwmma
npm/buffer@5.1.0 None +2 262 kB feross
npm/bytes@3.0.0 None 0 10.8 kB dougwilson
npm/chokidar@2.1.2 environment, filesystem Transitive: network, shell +7 2.4 MB paulmillr
npm/cipher-base@1.0.4 None 0 7.95 kB cwmma
npm/component-emitter@1.2.1 None 0 7.57 kB nami-doc
npm/console-control-strings@1.1.0 None 0 12.7 kB iarna
npm/content-type@1.0.4 None 0 10.2 kB dougwilson
npm/create-hash@1.1.3 None 0 10.4 kB cwmma
npm/create-hmac@1.1.6 None 0 4.71 kB cwmma
npm/cross-spawn@6.0.5 environment, filesystem, shell +2 84.9 kB satazor
npm/depd@1.1.2 environment, eval 0 30.5 kB dougwilson
npm/detect-browsers@2.0.0 environment, filesystem 0 8.4 kB sbspk
npm/detect-libc@1.0.3 environment, filesystem, shell 0 17.2 kB lovell
npm/dropbox@4.0.16 network +1 9.28 MB praneshp
npm/encodeurl@1.0.2 None 0 7.86 kB dougwilson
npm/end-of-stream@1.4.0 None 0 5.8 kB mafintosh
npm/ None +6 100 kB darrachequesne
npm/esprima@2.7.3 None 0 219 kB ariya
npm/estree-walker@0.5.2 None 0 13.5 kB rich_harris
npm/events@3.0.0 None 0 72 kB goto-bus-stop
npm/expand-range@0.1.1 None 0 11.1 kB jonschlinkert
npm/expand-tilde@2.0.2 Transitive: environment, filesystem +1 14.6 kB doowb
npm/express@4.16.4 environment, filesystem, network +10 302 kB dougwilson
npm/fs-minipass@1.2.5 filesystem 0 13 kB iarna
npm/function-bind@1.1.0 None 0 20.4 kB ljharb
npm/gauge@2.7.4 Transitive: environment +5 65.3 kB iarna
npm/gitignore-parser@0.0.2 None 0 9.54 kB codemix
npm/handlebars@4.0.10 filesystem +2 2.92 MB knappi
npm/hash.js@1.1.3 None +1 41 kB indutny
npm/http-errors@1.6.3 None 0 15.8 kB dougwilson
npm/iconv-lite@0.4.23 None 0 336 kB ashtuchkin
npm/ignore-walk@3.0.1 filesystem 0 10.8 kB isaacs
npm/ini@1.3.5 None 0 8.93 kB isaacs
npm/ip@1.1.5 None 0 35.7 kB indutny
npm/is-callable@1.1.3 None 0 22 kB ljharb
npm/is-descriptor@1.0.2 None +2 27.2 kB jonschlinkert
npm/is-glob@4.0.0 None 0 10.7 kB doowb
npm/is-number@0.1.1 None 0 9.06 kB jonschlinkert
npm/isomorphic-fetch@2.2.1 Transitive: network +2 138 kB financial-times
npm/istanbul@0.4.5 filesystem, unsafe Transitive: environment +4 708 kB gotwarlost
npm/js-yaml@3.9.1 eval Transitive: environment, filesystem +2 712 kB vitaly
npm/json-parse-better-errors@1.0.2 None 0 6.7 kB zkat
npm/karma-chrome-launcher@2.2.0 environment, filesystem +2 31.7 kB dignifiedquire
npm/karma-coverage@1.1.2 None +9 856 kB zzo
npm/karma-firefox-launcher@1.1.0 environment, filesystem 0 126 kB dignifiedquire
npm/karma-ie-launcher@1.0.0 environment, filesystem, shell 0 19 kB zzo
npm/karma-mocha@1.3.0 filesystem 0 25.4 kB dignifiedquire
npm/karma-opera-launcher@1.0.0 environment, filesystem 0 11 kB zzo
npm/karma-safari-launcher@1.0.0 environment, filesystem 0 3.85 kB zzo
npm/karma@3.0.0 environment, filesystem, network, shell Transitive: eval +23 4.14 MB karmarunnerbot
npm/lodash@4.17.4 None 0 1.4 MB jdalton
npm/magic-string@0.25.2 None 0 361 kB rich_harris
npm/memory-fs@0.4.1 None +1 29.4 kB sokra
npm/mime-db@1.38.0 None 0 187 kB dougwilson
npm/mime-types@2.1.22 None 0 15.5 kB dougwilson
npm/minimalistic-crypto-utils@1.0.1 None 0 4.76 kB indutny
npm/minipass@2.3.5 environment 0 14.4 kB isaacs
npm/minizlib@1.2.1 None 0 14.1 kB isaacs
npm/needle@2.2.4 filesystem, network 0 199 kB tomas
npm/node-pre-gyp@0.10.3 environment, filesystem +4 215 kB springmeyer
npm/normalize-package-data@2.4.0 None +2 45.3 kB iarna
npm/npm-run-all@4.1.5 environment +3 152 kB mysticatea
npm/object-assign@4.1.0 None 0 5.16 kB spicyj

🚮 Removed packages: npm/@astrojs/language-server@0.13.2, npm/@astrojs/ts-plugin@0.2.1, npm/@emmetio/html-matcher@0.3.3, npm/@types/glob@7.2.0, npm/@types/mocha@2.2.33, npm/@types/node@10.17.60, npm/@types/node@6.14.13, npm/@types/node@8.0.33, npm/glob@7.2.3, npm/image-size@0.5.5, npm/js-yaml@3.14.1, npm/jsonc-parser@2.0.2, npm/nodemon@1.19.4, npm/prettier@1.19.1, npm/rimraf@2.6.3, npm/tinycolor2@1.6.0, npm/toml@2.3.6, npm/typescript@2.5.2, npm/vscode-css-languageservice@3.0.13, npm/vscode-languageclient@2.6.3, npm/vscode-languageclient@5.2.1, npm/vscode-languageclient@7.0.0, npm/vscode-languageserver@2.6.2, npm/vscode-languageserver@5.2.1, npm/vscode-nls@4.1.2, npm/vscode@1.1.37

View full report↗︎

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🚨 Potential security issues detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎

To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.

Alert Package NoteCI
Install scripts npm/fsevents@1.2.7
  • Install script: install
  • Source: node install
Known Malware npm/fsevents@1.2.7
  • Note: This package downloads prebuilt artifacts from a domain which has been compromised. Your system may be infected if you installed this package prior to April 27, 2023

View full report↗︎

Next steps

What is an install script?

Install scripts are run when the package is installed. The majority of malware in npm is hidden in install scripts.

Packages should not be running non-essential scripts during install and there are often solutions to problems people solve with install scripts that can be run at publish time instead.

What is known malware?

This package is malware. We have asked the package registry to remove it.

It is strongly recommended that malware is removed from your codebase.

Take a deeper look at the dependency

Take a moment to review the security alert above. Review the linked package source code to understand the potential risk. Ensure the package is not malicious before proceeding. If you're unsure how to proceed, reach out to your security team or ask the Socket team for help at support [AT] socket [DOT] dev.

Remove the package

If you happen to install a dependency that Socket reports as Known Malware you should immediately remove it and select a different dependency. For other alert types, you may may wish to investigate alternative packages or consider if there are other ways to mitigate the specific risk posed by the dependency.

Mark a package as acceptable risk

To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore followed by a space separated list of ecosystem/package-name@version specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore npm/foo@1.0.0 or ignore all packages with @SocketSecurity ignore-all

  • @SocketSecurity ignore npm/fsevents@1.2.7

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2 participants