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Update npm/clones shields in root README #45

Update npm/clones shields in root README

Update npm/clones shields in root README #45

name: Update npm/clones shields in root README
- cron: "38 5 * * 1,3,5" # every Mon/Wed/Fri @ 5:38 AM
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout adamlui/minify.js
uses: actions/checkout@v4
token: ${{ secrets.REPO_SYNC_PAT }}
repository: adamlui/minify.js
path: adamlui/minify.js
- name: Fetch/sum npm download + git clone counts
id: get-stats
run: |
npm_pkgs=("@adamlui/minify.js" "gulp-minify.js")
expand_num() { # expand nums abbreviated w/ 'k' or 'm' suffix to integers
local num=$(echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # convert to lowercase
if [[ $num =~ k$ ]] ; then
num="${num%k}" # remove 'k' suffix
num=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", $num * 1000 }") # multiply by 1000
elif [[ $num =~ m$ ]] ; then
num="${num%m}" # remove 'm' suffix
num=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", $num * 1000000 }") # multiply by 1000000
fi ; echo "$num"
format_total() {
local num=$1 ; first_digit="${num:0:1}" second_digit="${num:1:1}"
second_digit=$(( second_digit < 5 ? 0 : 5 )) # round 2nd digit down
if (( num >= 1000000000 )) ; then # 1B+ w/ one decimal place
formatted_num="$(( num / 1000000000 ))"
remainder=$(( (num % 1000000000) / 100000000 ))
if (( remainder != 0 )) ; then formatted_num+=".$remainder" ; fi
elif (( num >= 10000000 )) ; then # abbr 10,000,000+ to 999,000,000+
formatted_num=$(printf "%'.f+" $((( num / 1000000 ) * 1000000 )))
elif (( num >= 1000000 )) ; then # abbr 1,000,000+ to 9,500,000+
elif (( num >= 100000 )) ; then # abbr 100,000+ to 950,000+
elif (( num >= 10000 )) ; then # abbr 10,000+ to 90,000+
elif (( num >= 1000 )) ; then # abbr 1K to 9.9K
formatted_num="$(( num / 1000 ))"
remainder=$(( (num % 1000) / 100 ))
if (( remainder != 0 )) ; then formatted_num+=".$remainder" ; fi
else formatted_num="$num" ; fi # preserve <1K as is
echo "$formatted_num"
# Fetch/sum npm download counts
for pkg in "${npm_pkgs[@]}" ; do
pkg_downloads=$(curl -s "$pkg.svg" |
sed -n 's/.*<title>downloads: \([0-9,.km]\+\).*<\/title>.*/\1/Ip')
pkg_downloads=$(expand_num "$pkg_downloads")
echo "$pkg npm downloads: $pkg_downloads"
total_downloads=$((total_downloads + pkg_downloads))
done ; echo -e "\n-----\nTotal monthly npm downloads: $total_downloads\n-----\n"
# Fetch/calculate git clone count
biweekly_clones=$(curl -sSL \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.REPO_SYNC_PAT }}" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
"" |
sed -n -E '0,/.*"count": ([0-9]+).*/ s//\1/p')
total_clones=$((biweekly_clones * 2))
echo "Biweekly git clones: $biweekly_clones"
echo -e "\n-----\nTotal monthly git clones: $total_clones\n-----\n"
# Format totals
formatted_total_downloads=$(format_total "$total_downloads")
echo "Formatted total monthly npm downloads: $formatted_total_downloads"
formatted_total_clones=$(format_total "$total_clones")
echo "Formatted total monthly git clones: $formatted_total_clones"
# Expose as output for update step next
echo "total_downloads=$formatted_total_downloads" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "total_clones=$formatted_total_clones" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Update README shields
id: update-shields
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/adamlui/minify.js
total_downloads="${{ steps.get-stats.outputs.total_downloads }}"
total_clones="${{ steps.get-stats.outputs.total_clones }}"
# Update npm shield
if [ "$total_downloads" == "0" ] ; then echo "Error getting total npm downloads"
sed -i -E "s|(badge/Downloads-)[0-9.,km+]+|\1$total_downloads|Ig" docs/
if [ "$old_readme" != "$new_readme" ] ; then downloads_updated=true ; fi
if [ "$downloads_updated" = true ] ; then echo "npm shield updated to $total_downloads"
else echo "npm shield already up-to-date" ; fi
# Update git clones shield
if [ "$total_clones" == "0" ] ; then echo "Error getting total git clones"
else # perform update
sed -i -E "s|(badge/[^-]+-)[0-9.,km+]+(/[^?]+\?logo=github)|\1$total_clones\2|gI" docs/
if [ "$old_readme" != "$new_readme" ] ; then clones_updated=true ; fi
if [ "$clones_updated" = true ] ; then echo "Git clones shields updated to $total_clones"
else echo "Git clones shield already up-to-date" ; fi
# Define commit msg for push step next
if [ "$downloads_updated" = true ] && [ "$clones_updated" = true ] ; then
multi_shield_types_updated=true ; fi
commit_msg="Updated "
[ "$downloads_updated" = true ] && commit_msg+="npm"
[ "$multi_shield_types_updated" = true ] && commit_msg+="/"
[ "$clones_updated" = true ] && commit_msg+="clones"
commit_msg+=" shield counter" ; [ "$multi_shield_types_updated" = true ] && commit_msg+="s"
commit_msg+=" in root README"
echo "commit_msg=$commit_msg" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT # expose as output
- name: Push changes to adamlui/minify.js
run: |
cd ${{ github.workspace }}/adamlui/minify.js
git config --global "kudo-sync-bot"
git config --global ""
git add .
git commit -n -m "${{ steps.update-shields.outputs.commit_msg }}" || true
git push