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Dev Registry

Ben Murray edited this page Feb 18, 2019 · 14 revisions

An overview of available (relevant) skills, expertise and experience

Please add a your name (affiliation) as an H2 then underneath a comma separated list and I'll try and generate a table from munging everything together (unless someone wants to do that, suggest another way . . .)

Use your own judgement on what might be relevant...

Adam Vials Moore (Jisc)

PHP , XML/XSLT , CSS , perl , MySQL , general web , Elastic , informatics , Mac , Linux , LAMP , eprints , Symplectic Elements , ORCID , CLI , unix , architecture design , API , REST, LDAP, Shibboleth / SSO

Alan Stiles (Open University Library)

Perl, XML, JSON, PHP, HTML, CSS, Mac, Linux, PC, EPrints, API

Will Fyson (EPrints Services)

EPrints (Repository Software), Perl, MySQL, PHP, XML, JSON, HTML, CSS, Linux, LAMP, ORCID, API, REST, LDAP, Shibboleth / SSO

Matteo Cancellieri (CORE, Open University)

Python, Spark, Java, PHP, Web Design, ElasticSearch, Italian Food

Tom Renner (Haplo)

Haplo (CRIS and Repository software), JavaScript, JSON, Ruby, HTML, CSS, APIs, Data structures

Will Simpson (ORCID)

Java, Javascript, databases, Linux, ORCID.

Michele Morelli (Cosector University of London)

Python, Java, Perl, Linux, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Eprints (Repository Software), API, XML, JSON.

Owen Stephens (independent consultant)

Good with data (XML, XSLT, JSON, *SV, MARC, DC) Product ownership, User requirements gathering Smattering of Ruby, Python, PHP, Javascript, Perl, HTML, CSS

Monica Duke (Jisc UK ORCID technical and community support)

Java, Perl, XML/XSLT, HTML/CSS, RDF, DC, ORCID, API, REST User requirements for CoRda, ORCID UK consortium member CoRDa target audience

Ben Murray (Jisc Open Access Developer)

Python, Elasticsearch, Web Design, JSON/XML

Name (affiliation)

skill , expertise , etc