A package manager for Hexo.
- NodeJS
- Git
$ npm install -g hexagon-cli
You can use it by running:
$ hexagon --help
# or
$ hexa --help # For the minimalists out there
For Hexagon to work properly, make sure you are in your project's root directory.
To install a plugin:
- Pass the
-p or --plugin
flag or justplugin
- Pass the npm package[s] name
$ hexagon --plugin hexo-generator-github
$ hexagon -p hexo-generator-github
$ hexagon plugin hexo-generator-github
To install a theme:
- Pass the
-t or --theme
flag or justtheme
- Pass the Github abbreviation, e.g
$ hexagon --theme adamsiwiec/hexagon-theme
$ hexagon -t adamsiwiec/hexagon-theme
$ hexagon theme adamsiwiec/hexagon-theme
To list all themes and plugins
$ hexagon list
For more commands:
$ hexagon --help
Please submit Issues or Pull Requests to continue the development of Hexagon
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the NPM site or the releases.
- Adam Siwiec - Initial work, Website
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License