A modern web interface for interacting with Tyler, providing real-time chat capabilities, file handling, and a beautiful UI.
Tyler Chat Interface is built with several core components that work together to create a seamless chat experience:
A modern React application that provides:
- Real-time chat interface with WebSocket support
- File upload and attachment handling
- Message threading and context management
- Beautiful Material-UI based design
- Redux state management
A FastAPI server that manages:
- WebSocket connections for real-time updates
- File upload processing and storage
- Message threading and persistence
- Direct integration with Tyler agent
- PostgreSQL database for storage
- Real-time Chat: WebSocket-based communication for instant updates
- File Handling: Upload and process various file types including documents, images, and audio
- Message Threading: Organize conversations with context
- Modern UI: Beautiful and responsive Material-UI design
- State Management: Robust Redux implementation
- Database Storage: PostgreSQL for persistent data
- API Documentation: Auto-generated OpenAPI docs
The frontend is built with:
- React 18+ with TypeScript for type safety
- Material-UI 5 for modern, responsive components
- Redux Toolkit for state management
- WebSocket for real-time updates
- Vite for fast development and optimized builds
Key directories:
: React components including chat interface/src/store
: Redux state management and actions/src/types
: TypeScript type definitions/src/api
: API client code and WebSocket handling
The backend uses:
- FastAPI for high-performance API endpoints
- WebSocket support for real-time communication
- SQLAlchemy for database ORM and models
- Pydantic for data validation
- Tyler Python package integration
Key directories:
: API endpoint definitions/models
: Database models and schemas/services
: Business logic and file processing/schemas
: Pydantic models for validation
Tyler Chat includes version information to help track compatibility with the Tyler agent package:
- The current Tyler Chat version is displayed in the UI at the bottom of the sidebar
- It shows both the Tyler Chat version and the compatible Tyler agent version
- The frontend is the single source of truth for version information
To update the version compatibility information:
- Edit
- this is the ONLY file you need to update - Update the
constant when making significant changes to the chat interface itself - Update the
constant to match the tested Tyler agent version
The version information is automatically propagated from the frontend to the backend via API calls, ensuring consistency across the application. This approach means you only need to update version information in one place.
- Python 3.12.8
- Node.js and npm
- Docker and Docker Compose (for PostgreSQL)
- Clone the repository:
git clone [your-repo-url]
cd tyler-chat
- Install backend dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure environment variables:
cd backend
cp .env.example .env
Required environment variables:
# Server Configuration
HOST=localhost # Server host
PORT=8000 # Server port
CORS_ORIGINS=http://localhost:5173 # Frontend URL for CORS
# Database Configuration
TYLER_DB_TYPE=postgresql # Database type
TYLER_DB_HOST=localhost # Database host
TYLER_DB_PORT=5432 # Database port
TYLER_DB_NAME=tyler # Database name
TYLER_DB_USER=tyler # Database user
TYLER_DB_PASSWORD=tyler_dev # Database password
# Optional Database Settings
TYLER_DB_ECHO=false # SQL query logging
TYLER_DB_POOL_SIZE=5 # Connection pool size
TYLER_DB_MAX_OVERFLOW=10 # Max extra connections
TYLER_DB_POOL_TIMEOUT=30 # Connection timeout (seconds)
TYLER_DB_POOL_RECYCLE=1800 # Connection recycle time (seconds)
# OpenAI Configuration
OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key # Your OpenAI API key
# Logging Configuration
WANDB_API_KEY=your_wandb_api_key # Weights & Biases API key for monitoring
# Optional Integrations
NOTION_TOKEN=your_notion_token # Notion integration token
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=your_slack_bot_token # Slack bot token
SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=your_slack_signing_secret # Slack signing secret
# File Storage Configuration
TYLER_FILE_STORAGE_TYPE=local # Storage type (local)
TYLER_FILE_STORAGE_PATH=/path/to/files # Storage path (defaults to ~/.tyler/files)
# Other Settings
- Start PostgreSQL with Docker:
# From project root
docker-compose up -d
# Initialize the database (uses the same .env values)
python -m tyler.database.cli init
- Start the Backend Server:
cd backend
The backend will be available at:
- API: http://localhost:8000
- API Documentation: http://localhost:8000/docs
- Install frontend dependencies:
cd frontend
npm install
- Start the Frontend Development Server:
npm run dev
The frontend will be available at:
# Backend tests
cd backend
# Frontend tests
cd frontend
npm test
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
For commercial use, please contact the author.