DDO-Calc is a set of programs that I am creating to become more familiar with alternative JVM languages and multiple platforms.
I am also a fan of DDO Online.
At the end, I would like to create a Character planner that includes the ability to discover / analyze equipment and support a database. Target clients may include Android, Desktop via JavaFx and web (possible Google Web App).
The bulk of the codebase is targeted for Scala, with R providing some analytics / graphing of power curves etc.
The transport will eventually be an interconnected RESTful API over Websockets where possible using JSoN with optional Xml outputs utilizing Firebase and / or MongoDB as a potential backend.
One of the final additional goals is extensibility. The intention is to provide an Open API and to be both Swagger 2.0 and RAML 0.8 compliant.
This API will should feature Semantic Versioning once considered stable enough to promote out of Alpha status.