OVERVIEW The WorderService is a lightweight HTTP service which listens on port 5001 for an upload of a zip file. When it receives the zip file, it then hands processing off to Worder which returns a list of tuples of the top ten words discovered in the text files contained within the uploaded zip file, and the count of each word. WorderService then returns a status JSON object containing the result of the search, and the list of discovered words, or in a failing case, the failing status and the error message returned.
DEPENDANCIES Install python modules: Flask Change hard-coded path to upload folder in This would ideally be configuration based, but I ran out of time.
EXAMPLE USAGE Issue a POST such as the following: $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F http://:5001/worder {"status": "success", "words": [["self", 121], ["0", 69], ["1", 54], ["e", 51], ["file", 35], ["9", 34], ["n", 32], ["words", 30], ["to", 30], ["for", 29]]}