Geepy is built up on Google Earth Engine's python api with a goal in mind of simplifying the process to access imagery for a particular area of our interest. The tool allows users to leverage ESRI's shapefile to crop and interact with a product.
Geepy also lets users download certain products for a time-series analysis by cropping and extracting image collections by the temporal resolution (e.g, 16-day, pentad, 1-day...) of the product. Hence, data for each temporal span will be exported as an individual geoTIFF file.
from github:
git clone
cd geepy
pip install e .
Follow instructions from Google Earth Engine Install
Example: Get CHIRPS (rainfall) data for our study area sample.shp
import geepy
task = geepy.get_chirps("UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/PENTAD",
"2017-11-01", "2018-01-05",
The above script returns an image collection for the time period specified and if we want to, for instance, count the number of images/bands it contains, we can do:
num_bands = len(task.getInfo()['features'])
>>> 13
Alternatively, we can download the product by saving the bands individually.
This can be done with the export=True
option and starting the downloading task.
task = geepy.get_chirps("UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/PENTAD",
"2017-11-01", "2018-01-05",
If job is successfully submitted, the task will show up on the GEE's web-based IDE under the tab 'Task Manager'.
Geepy can be accessed from terminal as well. Currently, 5 commands are supported and more will be to be added to support a wide variety of products.
Usage: geepy [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
Access Google Earth Engine Products by Area of Interest
--help Show this message and exit.
check-features check shapefile readiness for processing
check-metadata check an image product's meta data
download-chirps download chrips imagery by area of interest
download-modis download modis products in area of interest
download-sentinel download sentinel imagery by area of interest
To replicate the above example, we can request batch download on terminal with:
geepy download-chirps -p 'UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/PENTAD' -a 'data/addis_abeba.shp' -sd '2017-11-01' -ed '2018-01-05'
output on console:
Total number of bands requested: 13
submitted precipitation_20171101 for downloading
submitted precipitation_20171106 for downloading
submitted precipitation_20171111 for downloading
submitted precipitation_20171116 for downloading...