Hydrodynamics code using radial basis functions and Levenberg-Marquardt method
A file named
must exist in the run directory, of the format
x_dim = ! Width in CU
y_dim = ! Height in CU
res = ! points/CU
tol = ! Tolerance for LM solver
BC = ! Boundary conditions to use. [1] = Channel flow, [2] = Couette flow
Re = ! Reynolds number of fluid
/ ! This line must be included -
A file named
must exist in the run directory, of the format
uleft = 1 ! x velocity of fluid at left boundary
vleft = 0 ! y velocity of fluid at left boundary
pleft = 0 ! pressure of fluid at left boundary
uwall = 0 ! velocity of wall
/ ! This line must be included -
A folder named
must exist in the run directory. -
A file named
, containing an initial guess of the RBF decomposition coefficients, may exist in the run directory. If it exists, it must be of the format
... etc, where ui = alpha(:nodes), vi = alpha(nodes:nodes*2), and pi = alpha(nodes*2:nodes*3)
If it does not exist, the default guess of all 1s will be used for the decomposition coefficients.