In this project a high availability web application is deployed using cloudformation. Code is loaded to S3 storage and then deployed to a web server.
The project is divided in two main parts:
- High Availability(HA) Diagram in order to understand cloudformation script
- Creating a cloudformation script
Script has different sections that includes Load Balancer, Launch Configuration, AutoScaling, Listener, Security Group, Target Group and Health Check.
There is an output section where Load Balancer DNS is attached with http in front of it.
Autoscaling group is assigned a target group
Load Balancer has a listener rule associated with same target group
Port 80 is assigned to security group, health check and listeners that are associated with Load Balancer
Autoscale instances are assigned a private subnet
t3.medium is used with 10 GB of disk
IAM role and instance profile is defined for communication between EC2 and S3 storage.
NAT Gateway is used between public and private subnets
Project files are provided on github link. Clone the files using below link in terminal.
$ git clone
Make sure to $ cd udagram-aws-cloudformation-script
in terminal to access all files.
Create Stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name udagramservers --region eu-central-1 --template-body file://udagram-network-server-combined.yml --parameters file://network-parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
- Before running this command, AWS configure must be configured with a user Acces key and Id.
- Single command will deploy network and server configuration on AWS.
- Region can be selected according to your location. In this case
is selected. - AWS has limited instances in each region. In order to check your limit in specific region, goto EC2 > Limits in AWS console. This script is scaled to 4 instances and may not run if your EC2 limit is less than 4. In case of lower limit ask AWS help team to increase the limit.
- If you are linux or mac user you can also use simple script file to create stack using file. File is provided in this folder.
- Separate files for network and server configuration can be found in folder
Update Stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name udagramservers --region eu-central-1 --template-body file://udagram-network-server-combined.yml --parameters file://network-parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
In case if you want to update a stack just replace create
with update
in command line.
Results of the scripts can be seen in aws cloudformation console. In EC2, just goto Load balancer and select specific load balancer. Copy provided DNS and open it in chrome.
Another way to look at the web page is by going into cloudformation output tab. Click the link with http and results can be seen in the browser.
Result: Hello Udacity it works!!
Project udagram is a part of Udacity DevOps Engineer Nano Degree Program.
- Adeel Ahmed Khan (Adeel Barki)
__ Full Stack Web Developer
Front End Web Developer
React Web Developer __