To list all branches:
git branch -a
To switch to a branch:
git branch [your branch]
To create a new branch and switch to it:
git checkout -b [new branch]
To delete a local branch (after it has been merged):
git branch -d [your branch]
To list which branches have been merged into the current branch:
git branch --merged
To list which branches have not been merged into the current branch:
git branch --no-merged
To see which branches are tracking which remotes:
git branch -vv
To change the remote that a branch is tracking:
git branch [branch_name] -u [new_remote]/[branch_name]
To re-create a deleted branch (where sha1=last commit in the branch):
git checkout -b [branch name] [sha1]
To rename the current branch:
git branch -m [newname]
To see the differences between two branches:
git diff [branch1]..[branch2]
To see the differences between two commits:
git diff [hash1] [hash2]
To see a summary of what will be pushed:
git diff --stat [remote]/[branch]
To see a full diff of what will be pushed
git diff [remote]/[branch]
To see the differences between local (workspace) and fetched/remote branch:
git diff [branch] [remote]/[branch]
To see the list of changed files between local (workspace) and fetched/remote branch:
git diff --name-only [branch] [remote]/[branch]
To see the difference of a specific file between local (workspace) and fetched/remote branch:
git diff [branch] [remote]/[branch] -- [filepath]
To commit all changes with a commit message:
git commit -am "Commit message"
To checkout a previous commit into the working directory:
git checkout [revision] .
To return to the latest commit after checking out an old one:
git checkout [branch]
To checkout a previous commit into a new branch:
git checkout -b [new branch] [revision]
To modify a commit with a new message or add a file:
git [changes]
git commit --amend
To move current changes in to the stash:
git stash
To put the changes back from the stash:
git stash apply
To fix a merge conflict by overwriting a file altogether:
# relative to which branch is currently checked out
# so if master is current branch, and merging in feature/my_feature
# --theirs -> feature/my_feature
# --ours -> master
git checkout --theirs [file]
git checkout --ours [file]
To merge a branch back into master:
# do work in newbranch
# commit changes to newbranch
git checkout master
git merge newbranch
To see log of abbreviated stats for each commit:
git log --stat
To see the log of diffs introduced in the last 2 commits:
git log -p -2
To see the log as an ascii graph with branch and merge history with abbreviated hash and the subject:
git log --pretty=format:"%h %s" --graph
To unstage a file:
git reset HEAD file
To discard changes to a file in the working directory:
git checkout -- [file]
To reset all changes to all files:
git reset --hard
To (recursively) delete untracked files from the working tree:
git clean
To restore everything back to the way it was prior to the last commit:
git reset --soft HEAD^ # use --soft if you want to keep your changes
git reset --hard HEAD^ # use --hard if you don't care about keeping the changes you made
To clone a repo into a custom folder:
git clone [repo_url] [folder]
To fetch data from the server (branches, etc) without merging it in to the local workspace:
git fetch [remote]
To fetch data from a remote and merge it in to the local workspace:
git pull [remote]
To see information about remotes (servers):
git remote -v
To see detailed information about a remote:
git remote show [remote]
To add another (e.g., upstream) repo to your forked/cloned repo:
git remote add upstream [upstream url]
To push a branch to the remote:
git push [remote] [newbranch]
To delete a remote branch from remote:
git push [remote] :[newbranch]
To clean-up / refresh your references/tracking to remote branches:
git remote prune [remote]
To update/sync a fork with the upstream repo:
git fetch [upstream]
git checkout [branch]
git merge [upstream]/[branch]
git push [origin] [branch]
To 'import' a branch from upstream into a fork:
git fetch [upstream]
git checkout -b [branch] [upstream]/[branch]
git push -u [origin] [branch] # -u is optional - to update the branch tracking to the [origin] remote
To list a tags in a repo:
git tag
To create a tag:
git tag -a [tagname] -m "description"
To create a tag after you've moved past a commit:
git tag -a v1.2 "version 1.2" [hash]
To push a tag to the remote:
git push [remote] [tagname]
To delete a tag:
git tag -d [tag_name]
git push --delete origin [tag_name]
To add an existing repo as a submodule:
git submodule add [repo_url]
To clone a project with submodules:
clone the repo like normal
change to folder where submodule is
git submodule init
git submodule update
To add a git subtree (and squash commits):
git subtree add --prefix [destination_folder] [repo_url] [branch] --squash
To pull a subtree:
git subtree pull --prefix [destination_folder] [repo_url] [branch] --squash
(Apply all the changes from one branch to another)
Note: Do not rebase commits that have been pushed to a public repo!!
To rebase the commits in a branch onto master:
git checkout newbranch
git rebase origin/master
To undo a rebase:
git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD
To squash commits (where 3 is the last X number of commits to squash:
git rebase -i HEAD~3
unstage = reset HEAD --
undo = checkout --
changes = diff --name-status -r
diffstat = diff --stat -r
new = !sh -c 'git log $1@{1}..$1@{0} "$@"'
last = log -1 --stat HEAD
who = shortlog -s --
co = checkout
br = branch
ct = commit
st = status
df = diff
lc = log ORIG_HEAD.. --stat --no-merges
lg = log --stat
lp = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
oldest-ancestor = !zsh -c 'diff --old-line-format='' --new-line-format='' <(git rev-list --first-parent "${1:-master}") <(git rev-list --first-parent "${2:-HEAD}") | head -1' -
sta = "!f() { git subtree add --prefix $2 $1 master --squash; }; f"
stp = "!f() { git subtree pull --prefix $2 $1 master --squash; }; f"
1. Branch tracking is permanent. i.e., local master will always track SVN trunk, etc. and cannot be changed.
To clone an SVN repository:
git svn clone [url] -T trunk -b branches -t tags [--prefix="origin/"]
To port the SVN ignore file to gitignore:
git svn show-ignore > .gitignore
To port the SVN ignore file to git excludes:
git svn show-ignore >> .git/info/exclude
To fetch the latest changes from SVN (but not rebase):
git svn fetch
To fetch the latest changes from SVN and rebase local changes on top of latest in SVN:
git svn rebase
To track an SVN branch (on the server):
git branch [branch_name] remotes/origin/[branch_name]
To create a new branch on the SVN server (equivalent to "svn copy trunk branches/[newbranch]""):
git svn branch [newbranch]
To push commits back to SVN:
git svn dcommit
- Clone repo
- Port the ignore file
- Checkout master (trunk)
- Fetch/rebase updates from SVN
- Create new local branch and switch to it
- Make changes and commits as normal for git (git add, git commit)
- Checkout master branch and fetch/rebase latest changes from SVN
- Merge or rebase local branch with/onto master (trunk). Either:
- (Preferred) Rebase local branch on to master
- git checkout [branch]
- git rebase master
- git checkout master
- git merge --ff-only [branch]
- (Alternate) Merge local branch into master and squash commits, specifying a merge commit message (-m "msg")
- git checkout master
- git merge [branch] --squash -m "Message"
- (Preferred) Rebase local branch on to master
- Dcommit to push to SVN
- Delete local branch