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feat(icons): add calendar icons
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andresin87 committed Mar 31, 2023


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1 parent c74c10c commit f4205d6
Showing 14 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/assets/calendar/calendar-fill.svg
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/assets/calendar/calendar2-fill.svg
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/Calendar2Fill.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const Calendar2Fill = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path d="M15.2462 14.7441C14.4439 14.7441 13.7934 15.367 13.7934 16.1354V17.5955C13.7934 18.3639 14.4439 18.9868 15.2462 18.9868H16.7708C17.5731 18.9868 18.2235 18.3639 18.2235 17.5955V16.1354C18.2235 15.367 17.5731 14.7441 16.7708 14.7441H15.2462Z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.58111 2.6001C8.22298 2.6001 8.74332 3.09842 8.74332 3.71313V4.29285H15.2567V3.71313C15.2567 3.09842 15.777 2.6001 16.4189 2.6001C17.0608 2.6001 17.5811 3.09842 17.5811 3.71313V4.29285H18.1865C20.2898 4.29285 22 5.9205 22 7.94025V18.9527C22 20.97 20.2969 22.6001 18.191 22.6001H5.80825C3.69905 22.6001 2 20.9621 2 18.9479V7.94502C2 5.92798 3.70738 4.29285 5.81355 4.29285H6.41889V3.71313C6.41889 3.09842 6.93923 2.6001 7.58111 2.6001ZM19.6756 11.5972H4.32442V18.9479C4.32442 19.7385 4.98885 20.374 5.80825 20.374H18.191C19.0137 20.374 19.6756 19.7401 19.6756 18.9527V11.5972Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar2-fill', 'calendar']
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/Calendar2Outline.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const Calendar2Outline = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path d="M15.2462 14.7441C14.4439 14.7441 13.7934 15.367 13.7934 16.1354V17.5955C13.7934 18.3639 14.4439 18.9868 15.2462 18.9868H16.7708C17.5731 18.9868 18.2235 18.3639 18.2235 17.5955V16.1354C18.2235 15.367 17.5731 14.7441 16.7708 14.7441H15.2462Z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.74332 3.71313C8.74332 3.09842 8.22298 2.6001 7.58111 2.6001C6.93923 2.6001 6.41889 3.09842 6.41889 3.71313V4.29285H5.81355C3.70738 4.29285 2 5.92798 2 7.94502V18.9479C2 20.9621 3.69905 22.6001 5.80825 22.6001H18.191C20.2969 22.6001 22 20.97 22 18.9527V7.94025C22 5.9205 20.2898 4.29285 18.1865 4.29285H17.5811V3.71313C17.5811 3.09842 17.0608 2.6001 16.4189 2.6001C15.777 2.6001 15.2567 3.09842 15.2567 3.71313V4.29285H8.74332V3.71313ZM5.81355 6.51891H6.41889V7.09864C6.41889 7.71335 6.93923 8.21167 7.58111 8.21167C8.22298 8.21167 8.74332 7.71335 8.74332 7.09864V6.51891H15.2567V7.09864C15.2567 7.71335 15.777 8.21167 16.4189 8.21167C17.0608 8.21167 17.5811 7.71335 17.5811 7.09864V6.51891H18.1865C19.0117 6.51891 19.6756 7.15536 19.6756 7.94025V9.37112H4.32442V7.94502C4.32442 7.1574 4.99113 6.51891 5.81355 6.51891ZM4.32442 11.5972H19.6756V18.9527C19.6756 19.7401 19.0137 20.374 18.191 20.374H5.80825C4.98885 20.374 4.32442 19.7385 4.32442 18.9479V11.5972Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar2-outline', 'calendar']
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/CalendarFill.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const CalendarFill = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path d="M6.62687 12.8858C6.04985 12.8858 5.58209 13.3335 5.58209 13.8858 5.58209 14.4381 6.04985 14.8858 6.62687 14.8858H13.791C14.3681 14.8858 14.8358 14.4381 14.8358 13.8858 14.8358 13.3335 14.3681 12.8858 13.791 12.8858H6.62687ZM6.62687 15.8858C6.04985 15.8858 5.58209 16.3335 5.58209 16.8858 5.58209 17.4381 6.04985 17.8858 6.62687 17.8858H10.209C10.786 17.8858 11.2537 17.4381 11.2537 16.8858 11.2537 16.3335 10.786 15.8858 10.209 15.8858H6.62687Z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.56716 3.6001C8.56716 3.04781 8.0994 2.6001 7.52239 2.6001C6.94537 2.6001 6.47761 3.04781 6.47761 3.6001V4.31438H5.73134C3.67058 4.31438 2 5.91337 2 7.88581V19.0287C2 20.9985 3.66248 22.6001 5.72597 22.6001H18.2733C20.3338 22.6001 22 21.0062 22 19.0335V7.88099C22 5.9061 20.3269 4.31438 18.2687 4.31438H17.5224V3.6001C17.5224 3.04781 17.0546 2.6001 16.4776 2.6001C15.9006 2.6001 15.4328 3.04781 15.4328 3.6001V4.31438H8.56716V3.6001ZM4.08955 11.4572H19.9104V19.0335C19.9104 19.9012 19.1803 20.6001 18.2733 20.6001H5.72597C4.82196 20.6001 4.08955 19.8992 4.08955 19.0287V11.4572Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar-fill', 'calendar']
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/CalendarOutline.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const CalendarOutline = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.52239 2.6001C8.0994 2.6001 8.56716 3.04781 8.56716 3.6001V4.31438H15.4328V3.6001C15.4328 3.04781 15.9006 2.6001 16.4776 2.6001C17.0546 2.6001 17.5224 3.04781 17.5224 3.6001V4.31438H18.2687C20.3269 4.31438 22 5.9061 22 7.88099V19.0335C22 21.0062 20.3338 22.6001 18.2733 22.6001H5.72597C3.66248 22.6001 2 20.9985 2 19.0287V7.88581C2 5.91337 3.67058 4.31438 5.73134 4.31438H6.47761V3.6001C6.47761 3.04781 6.94537 2.6001 7.52239 2.6001ZM6.47761 6.31438H5.73134C4.82461 6.31438 4.08955 7.01794 4.08955 7.88581V9.45724H19.9104V7.88099C19.9104 7.01556 19.1779 6.31438 18.2687 6.31438H17.5224V7.02867C17.5224 7.58095 17.0546 8.02867 16.4776 8.02867C15.9006 8.02867 15.4328 7.58095 15.4328 7.02867V6.31438H8.56716V7.02867C8.56716 7.58095 8.0994 8.02867 7.52239 8.02867C6.94537 8.02867 6.47761 7.58095 6.47761 7.02867V6.31438ZM19.9104 11.4572H4.08955V19.0287C4.08955 19.8992 4.82196 20.6001 5.72597 20.6001H18.2733C19.1803 20.6001 19.9104 19.9012 19.9104 19.0335V11.4572ZM5.58209 13.8858C5.58209 13.3335 6.04985 12.8858 6.62687 12.8858H13.791C14.3681 12.8858 14.8358 13.3335 14.8358 13.8858C14.8358 14.4381 14.3681 14.8858 13.791 14.8858H6.62687C6.04985 14.8858 5.58209 14.4381 5.58209 13.8858ZM5.58209 16.8858C5.58209 16.3335 6.04985 15.8858 6.62687 15.8858H10.209C10.786 15.8858 11.2537 16.3335 11.2537 16.8858C11.2537 17.4381 10.786 17.8858 10.209 17.8858H6.62687C6.04985 17.8858 5.58209 17.4381 5.58209 16.8858Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar-outline', 'calendar']
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/CalendarValidFill.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const CalendarValidFill = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path d="M16.291 12.2942C16.7149 12.669 16.741 13.3016 16.3495 13.7073L11.5495 18.6803L11.5467 18.6831C11.3873 18.847 11.1949 18.9708 10.9882 19.0525C10.7817 19.1341 10.5611 19.1737 10.3414 19.1715C10.1181 19.1691 9.89388 19.1236 9.68608 19.0346C9.47924 18.9461 9.28827 18.8145 9.13286 18.6425L9.13041 18.6398L7.62948 16.9876C7.25087 16.5708 7.29692 15.9392 7.73235 15.5768C8.16778 15.2144 8.82769 15.2585 9.2063 15.6753L10.3694 16.9556L14.8147 12.3501C15.2062 11.9445 15.8672 11.9194 16.291 12.2942Z"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.56716 3.6001C8.56716 3.04781 8.0994 2.6001 7.52239 2.6001C6.94537 2.6001 6.47761 3.04781 6.47761 3.6001V4.31438H5.73134C3.67058 4.31438 2 5.91337 2 7.88581V19.0287C2 20.9985 3.66248 22.6001 5.72597 22.6001H18.2733C20.3338 22.6001 22 21.0062 22 19.0335V7.88099C22 5.97464 20.441 4.42533 18.4815 4.32008C18.4111 4.3163 18.3401 4.31438 18.2687 4.31438H17.5224V3.6001C17.5224 3.04781 17.0546 2.6001 16.4776 2.6001C15.9006 2.6001 15.4328 3.04781 15.4328 3.6001V4.31438H8.56716V3.6001ZM19.9104 10.2905H4.08947V19.0286C4.08947 19.8991 4.82187 20.6 5.72589 20.6H18.2732C19.1802 20.6 19.9104 19.9011 19.9104 19.0335V10.2905Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar-valid-fill', 'calendar']
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/icons/CalendarValidOutline.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { IconProps } from '../Types'

export const CalendarValidOutline = ({
fill = 'currentColor',
stroke = 'currentColor',
}: IconProps) => (
viewBox="0 0 24 25"
{...{ ...(title && { 'data-title': title }), fill, stroke, ...props }}
(title === undefined ? '' : `<title>${title}</title>`) +
'<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.52239 2.6001C8.0994 2.6001 8.56716 3.04781 8.56716 3.6001V4.31438H15.4328V3.6001C15.4328 3.04781 15.9006 2.6001 16.4776 2.6001C17.0546 2.6001 17.5224 3.04781 17.5224 3.6001V4.31438H18.2687C20.3269 4.31438 22 5.9061 22 7.88099V19.0335C22 21.0062 20.3338 22.6001 18.2733 22.6001H5.72597C3.66248 22.6001 2 20.9985 2 19.0287V7.88581C2 5.91337 3.67058 4.31438 5.73134 4.31438H6.47761V3.6001C6.47761 3.04781 6.94537 2.6001 7.52239 2.6001ZM6.47761 6.31438H5.73134C4.82461 6.31438 4.08955 7.01794 4.08955 7.88581V9.45724H19.9104V7.88099C19.9104 7.01556 19.1779 6.31438 18.2687 6.31438H17.5224V7.02867C17.5224 7.58095 17.0546 8.02867 16.4776 8.02867C15.9006 8.02867 15.4328 7.58095 15.4328 7.02867V6.31438H8.56716V7.02867C8.56716 7.58095 8.0994 8.02867 7.52239 8.02867C6.94537 8.02867 6.47761 7.58095 6.47761 7.02867V6.31438ZM19.9104 11.4572H4.08955V19.0287C4.08955 19.8992 4.82196 20.6001 5.72597 20.6001H18.2733C19.1803 20.6001 19.9104 19.9012 19.9104 19.0335V11.4572ZM16.2909 12.2942C16.7147 12.669 16.7409 13.3016 16.3493 13.7073L11.5493 18.6803L11.5466 18.6831C11.3871 18.847 11.1947 18.9708 10.9881 19.0525C10.7815 19.1341 10.5609 19.1736 10.3412 19.1715C10.118 19.1691 9.89371 19.1236 9.68591 19.0346C9.47907 18.9461 9.2881 18.8145 9.13269 18.6425C9.13187 18.6416 9.13106 18.6407 9.13024 18.6397L7.62931 16.9876C7.2507 16.5708 7.29676 15.9392 7.73218 15.5768C8.16761 15.2144 8.82752 15.2585 9.20613 15.6753L10.3692 16.9556L14.8145 12.3501C15.206 11.9444 15.867 11.9194 16.2909 12.2942Z"/>',

export const tags = ['calendar-valid-outline', 'calendar']
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -76,4 +76,10 @@ export { DeleteOutline } from './icons/DeleteOutline'
export { GraphArrowDown } from './icons/GraphArrowDown'
export { GraphArrowUp } from './icons/GraphArrowUp'
export { Plus } from './icons/Plus'
export { CalendarFill } from './icons/CalendarFill'
export { CalendarOutline } from './icons/CalendarOutline'
export { CalendarValidFill } from './icons/CalendarValidFill'
export { CalendarValidOutline } from './icons/CalendarValidOutline'
export { Calendar2Fill } from './icons/Calendar2Fill'
export { Calendar2Outline } from './icons/Calendar2Outline'
export { Check } from './icons/Check'
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions packages/components/icons/src/tags.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -76,4 +76,10 @@ export { tags as deleteOutlineTags } from './icons/DeleteOutline'
export { tags as graphArrowDownTags } from './icons/GraphArrowDown'
export { tags as graphArrowUpTags } from './icons/GraphArrowUp'
export { tags as plusTags } from './icons/Plus'
export { tags as calendarFillTags } from './icons/CalendarFill'
export { tags as calendarOutlineTags } from './icons/CalendarOutline'
export { tags as calendarValidFillTags } from './icons/CalendarValidFill'
export { tags as calendarValidOutlineTags } from './icons/CalendarValidOutline'
export { tags as calendar2FillTags } from './icons/Calendar2Fill'
export { tags as calendar2OutlineTags } from './icons/Calendar2Outline'
export { tags as checkTags } from './icons/Check'

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