Python script, systemd service, and logrotate conf to enable player info collection on a self-hosted Valheim server using the LinuxGSM installer/manager.
As of now, the script assumes that you have all the requirements already installed on your system to create a Python virtual environment and that you have PIP to install the "requests" module in the virtual environment. Future revisions will automatically install all required packages based on your Linux distro.
To Do:
- Add a parameter to check for a specific player's info with the user-provided Steam ID as a search parameter.
- Modify the install shell script to make it so a user could run it directly from GitHub, download the required files, and install all dependencies based on the Linux distro at runtime.
- Add a functionality to the install shell script where the user can input their Steam API key, which will be written in the main Python script (or an external config file).
- Add a "connections.log" file where all player connections and disconnections are logged in a easily readable format.
- Make a Discord bot that would handle all player info requests through bot commands on Discord itself, and display the result (be it a specific player's info or the whole database) with an embed message.
- The user can enable or disable this functionality in the configuration file (default "off").
- The bot could also remind players about scheduled server restarts by pinging them on Discord.
- This would require manually editing the player_database.json and adding a player_discordID value for each player.
- Alternatively, it could be done using a bot command that would receive as inputs the player steamID and discordID (or extrapolate it from a user mention), and it would then automatically edit the database entry for that player.
This is my first project on GitHub, so please bear with me.