HyperPay Flutter Demo
version 1.00
Mobile SDK Ready UI Demo : https://hyperpay.docs.oppwa.com/tutorials/mobile-sdk/prebuilt-ui
Mobile SDK Custom UI Demo : https://hyperpay.docs.oppwa.com/tutorials/mobile-sdk/custom-ui/integration
Ready UI :
1- Follow the first Integration : https://hyperpay.docs.oppwa.com/tutorials/mobile-sdk/first-integration
2- change the ShopperResultURL to your bundle ID (IOS) , Package Name (Android)
Android : - Android Manifest
replace 'com.mosab.demohyperpayapp' with your Package Name. - MainActivity : replace 'com.mosab.demohyperpayapp://result' with 'Package_name://result' replace 'com.mosab.demohyperpayapp' with your package name in 'onNewIntent() function'
- IOS : - AppDelegate :
replace 'com.mosab.demohyperpayapp://result' with 'Bundle_ID://result'
- In Xcode, click on your project in the Project Navigator and navigate to App Target > Info > URL Types.
- Click [+] to add a new URL type
- Under URL Schemes, enter your app switch return URL scheme. This scheme must start with your app's Bundle ID.
- add URLs to a whitelist in your app's Info.plist:
Reference : https://hyperpay.docs.oppwa.com/tutorials/mobile-sdk/prebuilt-ui/asynchronous-payments
just change the merchant id in the AppeDelegate.swift.
Reference : https://hyperpay.docs.oppwa.com/tutorials/mobile-sdk/apple-pay