Storstockholms Lokaltrafik train monitor
This application serves API that allows to get information about Stockholm's region train traffic. One can create and schedule notifications that inform about departures from chosen station and potential disturbances, if there are any.
The only prerequisite is Docker installed on your machine. Also you should get TrafikVerket API key.
First, enable Compute Engine API, Billing API, Container Registry API, Memorystore for Redis API, Service Networking API, Serverless VPC Access API in Google Cloud Platform
Login to GCP
gcloud auth application-default login
and then initialize Terraform:
terraform init
To set up whole infrastructure from scratch, use
terraform apply
or to synchronize with existing remote infrastructure, run:
export PROJECT_ID=slmonitor
terraform import module.project_services.google_project_service.project_services ""
terraform import module.project_services.google_project_service.project_services ""
terraform import google_compute_network.vpc_network $PROJECT_ID-network
terraform import google_vpc_access_connector.connector $PROJECT_ID-conn
terraform import google_sql_database_instance.postgresql $PROJECT_ID-db1
terraform import google_sql_database.postgresql_db $PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID-db1/$PROJECT_ID
terraform import google_sql_user.postgresql_user $PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID-db1/postgres
terraform import google_redis_instance.${PROJECT_ID}_cache $PROJECT_ID
terraform import google_cloud_run_service.run_service locations/europe-central2/namespaces/$PROJECT_ID/services/$PROJECT_ID
terraform import google_cloud_run_service_iam_member.run_all_users "projects/$PROJECT_ID/locations/europe-central2/services/$PROJECT_ID roles/run.invoker allUsers"
- Open config.yml and configure environment variables as stated in the file. Optionally you can pass the variables directly to the run command. If you wish to do so, skip this step.
- Build local docker image:
make build-deploy
- Run docker-compose
make run-deploy
optionally pass additional variables:
env TRAFFIC_API_AUTH_KEY=value env MAIL_USERNAME=user env MAIL_PASSWORD=pass make run-deploy
All the services will start and the application should be accessible under the following
link: http://localhost:4444