- Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 Prerequisites https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/prereqs.html
- Pulling Docker images from Dockethub/hyperledgerfabric https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/release-1.4/install.html
A blockchain based solution which records the temperature,location,status of a shipment/consignment and gives the details of the
consignment to Seller,Buyer and logistics.
Depending upon our requirements for tracking the consignment , we can store those details such as location,status, time,temperature and others into blockchain.
Pull the docker images 1.4 and place bin directory into network folder.
1)Run ./remove.sh to remove certificate. Removes all the certificates generated ---> Inside network folder
2)Run ./stopdocker.sh For removing all the running container and dev images related to chaincode --> inside network folder
3)Run ./generate.sh Generate new certificats for all the orgization --> Inside network folder
3)Come back to root folder where your ./start.sh is present
5) Run ./start.sh script to bring your network and server will run on 8080 port.
Generally Logistic transfer flow starts from the buyer who need to get some product/consignment from seller, will request for the products/consignment with id,type,Buyerid,BuyerLocation,Sellerid,SellerLocation,status . The seller has to accept the request and logistics will come into picture who have to transport the goods/consignment from seller to buyer.
In this phase, logistics will be transported from seller to buyer and details like location,status,time,temperature,etc., of the products/consignment will be getting from GPS/IOT devices attached to consignment and stores the details into blockchain.
In this phase,logistics will delivery the product/consignment to the buyer.
Get all the Product details within the blockchain
Get the product details of a particular product.
Get all the transactions for a particular logistics product id like request logistic,transitlogistic and deliveryof logistics of the product.
Dinesh Reddy A