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Watermarking Deep Neural Networks

This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the paper Turning Your Weakness Into a Strength: Watermarking Deep Neural Networks by Backdooring. This repository provides scripts for watermarking neural networks by backdooring as well as fine-tuning them. A blog post with a non-formal description of the proposed method can be found here.


Turning Your Weakness Into a Strength: Watermarking Deep Neural Networks by Backdooring
Yossi Adi1, Carsten Baum1, Moustapha Cisse2, Benny Pinkas1, Joseph Keshet1
1 Bar-Ilan University, 2 Google, Inc
27th USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX.


The repository contains three main scripts:,, and where you can train (with and without watermark), predict and fine-tune models.

Additionally, this repo contains the trigger set images used to embed the watermarks.

At the moment the code supports training and evaluating on CIFAR-10 dataset only. More datasets will be supported soon.


Python 3.6

PyTorch 0.4.1


1. Cloning the repository

$ git clone
$ cd WatermarkNN

2. Training

The script allows you to train a model with or without a trigger set.

For example:

python --batch_size 100 --max_epochs 60 --runname train --wm_batch_size 2 --wmtrain

For training without the trigger set, omit the --wmtrain flag.
In case you want to resume training you can use the --resume flag. Lastly, all log files and models will have the prefix --runname.

New Trigger Set

For training with your own trigger set and labels, provide the path to the data using the --wm_path flag and the path to the trigger set using the --wm_lbl flag.

3. Testing

The script allows you to test your model on CIFAR10 test set or on a provided trigger set.
To test a trained model on CIFAR10 dataset (without the trigger set) run the following command:

python --model_path checkpoint/model.t7

To test a trained model on a specified trigger set, run the following command:

python --model_path checkpoint/model.t7 --wm_path ./data/trigger_set --wm_lbl labels-cifar.txt --testwm

4. Fine-Tuning

We define four ways to fine-tune: Fine-Tune Last Layer (FTLL), Fine-Tune All Layers (FTAL), Retrain Last Layer (RTLL), and Retrain All Layers (RTAL). A graphic description of the aforementioned methods described below:
Fine-tuning techniques

Below we provide example scripts for all four fine-tuning techniques.

Fine-Tune Last Layer (FTLL)

python --lr 0.01 --load_path checkpoint/model.t7 --save_dir checkpoint/ --save_model ftll.t7 --runname fine.tune.last.layer

Fine-Tune All Layers (FTAL)

python --lr 0.01 --load_path checkpoint/model.t7 --save_dir checkpoint/ --save_model ftal.t7 --runname fine.tune.all.layers --tunealllayers

Retrain Last Layer (RTLL)

python --lr 0.01 --load_path checkpoint/model.t7 --save_dir checkpoint/ --save_model rtll.t7 --runname reinit.last.layer --reinitll

Retrain All Layers (RTAL)

python --lr 0.01 --load_path checkpoint/model.t7 --save_dir checkpoint/ --save_model rtal.t7 --runname reinit_all.layers --reinitll --tunealllayers

For more training / testing / fine-tuning options, look inside the scripts arguments.


If you find our work useful please cite:

@inproceedings {217591,
author = {Yossi Adi and Carsten Baum and Moustapha Cisse and Benny Pinkas and Joseph Keshet},
title = {Turning Your Weakness Into a Strength: Watermarking Deep Neural Networks by Backdooring},
booktitle = {27th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 18)},
year = {2018},
isbn = {978-1-931971-46-1},
address = {Baltimore, MD},
pages = {1615--1631},
url = {},
publisher = {{USENIX} Association},


This work was supported by the BIU Center for Research in Applied Cryptography and Cyber Security in conjunction with the Israel National Cyber Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office.


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