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React MUI Sidebar

React MUI Sidebar helps to create side Navigation.

Live Demo




App Screenshot


To install react mui sidebar npm package

  npm i react-mui-sidebar


For any Issues, create new issue on


import React from "react";

import { Sidebar, Menu, MenuItem, Submenu, Logo } from "react-mui-sidebar";
import AccessAlarms from "@mui/icons-material/AccessAlarms";
import CottageOutlinedIcon from "@mui/icons-material/CottageOutlined";
  /* if you are using react then import link from  */
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
  /* if you are using nextjs then import link from  */
import Link from "next/link";

const App = () => {
  return (
    <Sidebar width={"270px"}>
      <Menu subHeading="HOME">
          icon={<CottageOutlinedIcon />}
          {" "}
          {/* Set badge to boolean true */}
        <MenuItem icon={<AccessAlarms />} component={Link} link="/test">
        <MenuItem component={Link} link="/ana">
      <Menu subHeading="APPS">
      <Menu subHeading="OTHERS">
        <Submenu title="Menu Level">
          <Submenu title="Level 2">

        <MenuItem target="_blank" component={Link} link="">
          External Link

export default App;

API Reference

Sidebar Api Reference

Props Type Default Description
width string 260px set the width of sidebar
textColor string #2b2b2b set this color to all MenuItem and SubMenu of sidebar
isCollapse boolean false set the Sidebar to mini sidebar
themeColor string #5d87ff set the theme primary color
themeSecondaryColor string #49beff set the theme secondary color
mode string light set the mode of the Sidebar light or Dark
direction string ltr set the direction of Sidebar ltr or rtl
userName string Mathew set the user name of User Profile
designation string Designer set the user designation of User Profile
showProfile boolean true show the user profile true or false
userimg string user image url set the image of user in User Profile
onLogout function handleLogout set the logout function for user logout

Menu Api Reference

Props Type Default Description
subHeading string menu menu heading title

Submenu Api Reference

Props Type Default Description
title string blank title of the submenu
icon component mui icon - <FiberManualRecordIcon/> set icon of submenu
borderRadius string 8px set border radius of Submenu
textFontSize string 14px set text Font Size of the submenu
disabled boolean false enable/disable the Submenu

MenuItem Api Reference

Props Type Default Description
icon component mui icon - <FiberManualRecordIcon/> set icon of menu item
link string # pass link for component to redirect
component component Link set react router link or nextjs Link to apply route
badge boolean false set the badge on menu items
badgeColor string primary set badge color
badgeTextColor string #ffffff set any badge text color
badgeContent string 6 set content on badge
textFontSize string 14px set font size of menu item
borderRadius string 8px set border radius of menu item
disabled boolean false enable/disable the menu item
badgeType string filled set badgeType of menu item filled or outlined
target string `` set target of menu item _blank
isSelected boolean false set selected menu item

Logo Api Reference

Props Type Default Description
img string Logo url set the logo of the sidebar
href string set url set any url you wanted to redirect
component component Link set react router link or nextjs Link to apply route


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