Adds internationalization through (react-intl-redux)[].
Run the following command in the plugin directoy:
npm i --save @blueeast/bluerain-plugin-taskbar
Then in your boot function, pass the plugin like this:
import BR from '@blueeast/bluerain-os';
import TaskbarPlugin from '@blueeast/bluerain-plugin-taskbar';
plugins: [TaskbarPlugin]
Boot you function like this:
plugins: [IntlPlugin]
ctx.Filters.add('', function taskbar(schema) {
schema.children.unshift({ component: withSystemNav(Taskbar) });
return schema;
ctx.Filters.add('bluerain.redux.reducers.bluerain', function
AddSystemNavReducers(reducers) {
return Object.assign({}, reducers, {
systemNav: reducer
ctx.Filters.add('bluerain.intl.messages', function eng(messages) {
const en = require('./lang/en.ts');
const ur = require('./lang/ur.ts');
messages.en = Object.assign(messages.en ? messages.en : {}, en);
messages.ur = Object.assign(messages.ur ? messages.ur : {}, ur);
return messages;
ctx.Filters.add('bluerain.redux.initialState', function ActivateTaskbar(state) {
const size = ctx.Plugins.get('window-info');
const taskbarState = getResponsiveState(size);
return Object.assign({}, state, {
bluerain: {
systemNav: taskbarState
Make sure you have access to the BlueRain context. Then do this:
ctx.Events.on('plugin.window_info.resize', (size, prevSize) => {
const state = getResponsiveState(size);;
This plugin registers following components in the Component registry, so they can be reused later by other apps and plugins:
- NavAppItem
- NavDividerItem
- NavSpacerItem
This hook gives the ability to add custom intl messages.
Name | Type | Description |
messages | Object | The messages db |
Name | Type | Description |
messages | Object | The messages db |
This example registers custom english and urdu messages to the system.
BR.Filters.add('bluerain.intl.messages', function eng(messages) {
const en = require('./lang/en.json');
const ur = require('./lang/ur.json');
messages.en = Object.assign(messages.en ? messages.en : {}, en);
messages.ur = Object.assign(messages.ur ? messages.ur : {}, ur);
return messages;
A plugin for Task Bar that shows Platform Logo and Navigation items. Platform Logo and Navigation items are passed through Bluerain-os configurations. Extends Plugin
Adds Task Bar to BlueRain Apps.
npm i --save @blueeast/bluerain-plugin-taskbar
Then in your boot function, pass the plugin like this:
import BR from '@blueeast/bluerain-os';
import TaskbarPlugin from '@blueeast/bluerain-plugin-taskbar';
plugins: [TaskbarPlugin]
logos: {
default: {
src: "",
type: "image/svg+xml"
headerLogo: {
src: "",
type: "image/svg+xml"
headerLogoSquare: {
src: "",
type: "image/svg+xml"
taskbar: {
items: [{
component: 'NavAppItem',
props: { slug: 'hello-world' }
component: 'NavAppItem',
props: { slug: 'settings' }
This plugin registers following components in component registry.
- It adds task bar by adding a function in '' filter.
- It adds systemNav reducers in 'bluerain.redux.reducers.bluerain' filter.
Actions Following Actions can be dispatched
- enable,
- disable,
- open,
- close,
- toggle,
- dock,
- undock,
- hideLabels,
- showLabels
Initial State
const initialState = {
disabled: false,
open: true,
docked: true,
hideLabels: false,
This Plugin is responsive on desktop and mobile. It shows only icons on Desktop and icon with Labels on mobile screen.