Releases: adnathanail/broute
Releases · adnathanail/broute
Alpha 4
What's New
- Dijkstra has been enhanced with a multi-destination A* heuristic
- Simulated annealing has had its mutation simplified and parameters tuned
- The PBF importer now imports all roads as bi-directional instead of uni-directional
- This is incorrect, but less incorrect than previously because most roads are not 1-way (citation needed)
Full Changelog: alpha-3...alpha-4
Alpha 3
What's New
- Speed up API by only importing the graph once, and storing it in state #62
- Connect TSP to Dijkstra to OSM Monaco #72
- Extend web demo to TSP by @adnathanail in #79
- Add XGMML import by @adnathanail in #86
- Test Dijkstra on USA-road-d.NY by @adnathanail in #92
- Benchmark Dijkstra on OSM Monaco by @adnathanail in #57
- Pick Dijkstra implementation by @adnathanail in #55
- Test web API by @adnathanail in #64
- Priority queue updates by @adnathanail in #96
Bug fixes
- Fix distances on PBF import (long lat backwards) by @adnathanail in #73
- AM Digraph: Don't include edges with infinite weight in adj by @adnathanail in #74
- Stop GraphPath being backwards by @adnathanail in #77
- New benchmark groupings by @adnathanail in #59
- Refactor Dijkstra into struct by @adnathanail in #66
- Centralise tests by @adnathanail in #69
- Create LatLng struct by @adnathanail in #76
- Rename dijkstra files to shortest_path by @adnathanail in #87
- Make function API's consistent by @adnathanail in #89* Move latlng and haversine into geography module by @adnathanail in #97
- Stop using dyn by @adnathanail in #98
Full Changelog: alpha-2...alpha-3
Alpha 2
- Create graph interface, and interface both adjacency matrix and list data structures (for sparse vs connected graphs)
- Attach node ID's and node data to graphs, to allow modelling OSM data
- Route by long lat instead of node ID
- Connected components algorithm
- Read PBF files
- Write SVG files
- Create web interface demo
End to end
- Real-world routing: importing OSM data, getting the largest connected component, finding the closest nodes to long lats, running Dijkstra
- Benchmark TSP
- Comment benchmark results against master on all PR's, to track regression/improvement
Alpha 1
- Custom graph data structure
- Dijkstra shortest path algorithm
- Hill climbing TSP solver
- Randomly generated graphs
- DIMCAS TSP test data
- Time-based benchmarking