Zero configuration CEP extension builder for Parcel.
git clone
cd parcel-plugin-cep-starter
npm install
npm start
Open your CC app of choice, find your extension under Window
> Extensions
, and start developing.
To create a production build:
npm run build
To create a .zxp for deployment:
npm run zxp
A versioned .zxp file will be placed inside archive
You can configure CEP a either through environment variables or the package.json
of your project.
"cep": {
"name": "My Extension",
"id": "com.mycompany.myextension",
"hosts": "*"
Either set
thorugh your terminal or add to the .env
CEP_NAME="My Extension"
You can find all the available options on the cep-bundler-core readme.
There are few functions that you can import from the cep-interface
package to ease Extendscript communication from CEP.
Loads and evaluates the specified file in the src/extendscript directory. Returns a promise with the result.
import { loadExtendscript } from 'cep-interface'
Evaluates the specified code. Returns a Promise.
import { evalExtendscript } from 'cep-interface'
evalExtendscript('alert("Hello!");') // alerts "Hello!" inside the app
If you return a JSON string using json2 or similar from Extendscript, you can get the parsed result.
import { evalExtendscript } from 'cep-interface'
evalExtendscript('JSON.stringifiy({foo: "bar"});')
.then(result => console.log(result)) // prints {foo: "bar"}
.catch(error => console.warn(error))
There are a few other functions available in addition.
import { openURLInDefaultBrowser } from 'cep-interface'
Opens the url in the default browser. Will also work when viewing outside the target application in a browser.