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Popular-Movies-AdrianaDodge -line 37 replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE for your API Movie. -line 44 replace YOUR_API_KEY_HERE for your API Movie.


Popular Movies, Stage 2

Image Image Image Image

Common Project Requirements

  • App is written solely in the Java Programming Language.
  • App conforms to common standards found in the Android Nanodegree General Project Guidelines.
  • Submission must use stable release versions of all libraries, Gradle, and Android Studio. Debug/beta/canary versions are not acceptable.
  • App utilizes stable release versions of all libraries, Gradle, and Android Studio.
  • UI contains an element (e.g., a spinner or settings menu) to toggle the sort order of the movies by: most popular, highest rated.
  • Movies are displayed in the main layout via a grid of their corresponding movie poster thumbnails.
  • UI contains a screen for displaying the details for a selected movie.
  • Movie Details layout contains title, release date, movie poster, vote average, and plot synopsis.
  • Movie Details layout contains a section for displaying trailer videos and user reviews.

User Interface - Function

  • When a user changes the sort criteria (most popular, highest rated, and favorites) the main view gets updated correctly.
  • When a movie poster thumbnail is selected, the movie details screen is launched.
  • When a trailer is selected, app uses an Intent to launch the trailer.
  • In the movies detail screen, a user can tap a button (for example, a star) to mark it as a Favorite. Tap the button on a favorite movie will unfavorite it.

Network API Implementation

  • In a background thread, app queries the /movie/popular or /movie/top_rated API for the sort criteria specified in the settings menu.
  • App requests for related videos for a selected movie via the /movie/{id}/videos endpoint in a background thread and displays those details when the user selects a movie.
  • App requests for user reviews for a selected movie via the /movie/{id}/reviews endpoint in a background thread and displays those details when the user selects a movie.

Data Persistence

  • The titles and IDs of the user’s favorite movies are stored using Room and are updated whenever the user favorites or unfavorites a movie. No other persistence libraries are used.
  • When the "favorites" setting option is selected, the main view displays the entire favorites collection based on movie ids stored in the database.

Android Architecture Components

  • Database is implemented using Room. No other persistence libraries are used.
  • Database is not re-queried unnecessarily. LiveData is used to observe changes in the database and update the UI accordingly.
  • Database is not re-queried unnecessarily after rotation. Cached LiveData from ViewModel is used instead.


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