Naked is CSS Framework
##Developing Requirements
- Apache WebServer v3.x (You can get it here)
- MySQL v5.x or it's forks like Drizzle, MariaDB, Percona, and so on.
- GIT (You can get it here)
- Compass (CSS compiler based on Ruby / rubygems)
gem install compass --no-ri --no-rdoc --user-install
NodeJs and npm (Javascript engine outside browser). To get it, just go here and read the instruction.
Bower (Package manager on web)
npm install bower --global
- Grunt (Javascript task runner)
npm install grunt-cli --global
cd /path/to/naked
npm install
##How To Build Naked
cd /path/to/naked
grunt clean build
compass compile
##Brought to you by PT. Sagara Xinix Solusitama