Pure PHP unified wrapper for WebHDFS and CLI hadoop fs
Provides single interface for both, so you can decide which one to use depending on your tasks.
Requires PHP 5.3+
Each method has detailed docblocks, so using phpDocumentor should be enough to get started.
- See docblocks for exceptions thrown by each method *
Instantiating CLI implementation:
$hdfs = new \Hdfs\Cli();
Instantiating WebHDFS implementation:
$hdfs = new \Hdfs\Web();
$hdfs->configure($host, $port, $user);
Change wrapper for local filesystem. Use it if you need hdfs to interact with another remote service instead of local FS
$hdfs->setFilesystemWrapper (\Hdfs\FilesystemWrapper $localfs)
Upload $localFile to Hadoop at $hdfsFile path
$hdfs->putFile ($localFile, $hdfsFile) ;
Download $hdfsFile from HDFS to $localFile in local filesystem
$hdfs->getFile ($hdfsFile, $localFile) ;
Remove file from HDFS
$hdfs->removeFile ($hdfsFile) ;
Set replication factor of a file $hdfsFile
$hdfs->setFileReplication ($hdfsFile, $factor) ;
Create $hdfsDir directory.
$hdfs->makeDir ($hdfsDir) ;
Remove $hdfsDir directory. Directory should be empty.
$hdfs->removeDir ($hdfsDir) ;
List contents of $hdfsDir directory. Returns array of \Hdfs\EntryStatus instances
$hdfs->readDir ($hdfsDir) ;
Get stats for $hdfsPath Returns \Hdfs\EntryStatus
$hdfs->stat ($hdfsPath) ;
Change permissions for $hdfsPath
$hdfs->changeMode ($hdfsPath, $mode) ;
Change owner and/or group for $hdfsPath. At least two arguments should be passed to this method. Either $owner or $group should be set.
$hdfs->changeOwner ($hdfsPath, $owner = null, $group = null) ;
Rename $hdfsSrcPath to $hdfsDstPath
$hdfs->rename ($hdfsSrcPath, $hdfsDstPath) ;
Check if $hdfsPath exists
$hdfs->isExists ($hdfsPath)
Check if $hdfsPath is directory
$hdfs->isDir ($hdfsPath)
Check if $hdfsPath is file
$hdfs->isFile ($hdfsPath)
Create directories recursively. If directory already exists and $mode/$owner/$group provided, then method just tries to apply those arguments to the last component in $hdfsDir.
$hdfs->makeDirRecursive ($hdfsDir, $mode = null, $owner = null, $group = null)
Change owner/group of $hdfsPath and all files&directories inside of $hdfsPath.
$hdfs->changeOwnerRecursive ($hdfsPath, $owner = null, $group = null)
Change permissions of $hdfsPath and all files&directories inside of $hdfsPath.
$hdfs->changeModeRecursive ($hdfsPath, $mode)
Uploads $localDir to $hdfsDir. If $hdfsDir does not exist, creates it. But if parent directory of $hdfsDir does not exist, throws exception.
$hdfs->putDir ($localDir, $hdfsDir, $isOverwrite = false)
Downloads $hdfsDir to $localDir. If $localDir does not exist, creates it. But if parent directory of $localDir does not exist, throws exception.
$hdfs->getDir ($hdfsDir, $localDir, $isOverwrite = false)
Copy file from one HDFS location to another HDFS location.
$hdfs->copyFile ($hdfsSrcPath, $hdfsDstPath, $isOverwrite = false)
Copy all files from one HDFS location to another HDFS location.
$hdfs->copyDir ($hdfsSrcPath, $hdfsDstPath, $isOverwrite = false)
Delete file or directory (not recursive).
$hdfs->delete ($hdfsPath)
Delete file or directory recursively.
$hdfs->deleteRecursive ($hdfsPath)
Get filesystem object size in bytes. Always returns 0 for directories.
$hdfs->getSize ($hdfsPath)
Get filesystem object size in bytes. Recursively gathers size information for directories.
$hdfs->getSizeRecursive ($hdfsPath)
Get file content without saving it to local filesystem.
$content = $hdfs->readFile ($hdfsFile, $offset = 0, $length = 0);
Write content to file.
$hdfs->writeFile ($hdfsFile, $content)