Project of simple bank account system with use SQL database
Project Overview The Simple_bank_system_hs project is a Python-based banking application that allows users to interact with a virtual banking system. This system includes functionalities such as creating unique card numbers and PINs, checking balance, adding income, transferring funds, closing accounts, and logging in and out of the system.
Installation Before running the application, ensure you have Python installed on your system. No additional external libraries are required for this project.
Usage To use the Simple_bank_system_hs application, run the script in your Python environment. The application consists of a set of functions and classess that handle various banking operations.
Key Functions create_account(data_base): Creates a new account with a unique card number and PIN. log_in(data_base): Authenticates a user's card number and PIN for login. display_balance(customer_card_number, data_base): Displays the balance of the logged-in user's account. add_income(customer_card_number, data_base): Adds income to the user's account balance. transfer_operation(customer_card_number, data_base): Transfers money from the user's account to another account. delete_account(customer_card_number, data_base): Deletes the user's account from the system. exit_bank(): Exits the application.
User Interaction Users interact with the system through console prompts and inputs. The application guides the user through each step, providing feedback and performing operations based on user input.
Exit Options Users can exit the program at any stage, either from the main menu or from within their account.
Notes The application includes validation checks, such as verifying card numbers and ensuring sufficient funds for transfers. It's a simulation and does not involve real financial transactions.
Contributions Contributions to the project are welcome. Please adhere to the project's coding standards and submit a pull request for review.
License This project is open-source and free to use. Refer to the LICENSE file for more details.