This project aims to predict house prices based on various features using a DecisionTreeClassifier. The model's performance is evaluated using three different encoding techniques: OneHotEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, and TargetEncoder.
Project Structure The project is divided into several scripts, each responsible for a different part of the machine learning pipeline: Contains the logic to download and load the dataset.,, Each script applies a different encoding technique to the categorical features and evaluates the model's performance. Compare F1-score macro average values
Installation Ensure you have Python installed on your system. Then, install the necessary libraries using: pip install pandas, scikit-learn, requests, category_encoders
Usage Run the main script to evaluate the model's performance with different encoders: python
Dataset The dataset house_class.csv includes features such as Area, Room, Longitude (Lon), Latitude (Lat), Zip_area, and Zip_loc, with the target variable being Price.
Model Evaluation The models are evaluated based on precision, recall, and F1-score metrics for each encoding technique. The main script prints out the F1-score macro average value for comparison: OneHotEncoder: F1-score OrdinalEncoder: F1-score TargetEncoder: F1-score
Encoding Techniques OneHotEncoder: Converts categorical variables into a form that could be provided to ML algorithms to do a better prediction. OrdinalEncoder: Encodes categorical features as an integer array, considering the order of the categories. TargetEncoder: Uses the means of the target variable for each category to encode the features.
Model A DecisionTreeClassifier with the following parameters is used for prediction: criterion: "entropy" max_features: 3 splitter: 'best' max_depth: 6 min_samples_split: 4 random_state: 3
Conclusion This project demonstrates how different encoding techniques can affect the performance of a machine learning model. By comparing the F1-score macro average values, one can select the most suitable encoding technique for this dataset.