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This project is a reimagination of the ohdsi-era-constructor tool. Instead of doing all of the data processing, retrieval, and storage inside a single Postgres database, this project performs the same operations using Apache Spark and CSV files.

For smaller datasets (50-100k records processed), this project preforms about 10-20% worse than the original implementation however for datasets in the millions, it can perform at minimum 10-20% than the original implementation if not up to 1000% percent.


  1. git clone
  2. ./sbt/sbt run
    • This step will take around 10-15 minutes based on your internet connection and system


  • JDK > 8
  • Persistent internet connection
  • More than 8GB of RAM (configurable, however very very recommended)


$ ./sbt/sbt -Dohdsi.vocab.location=/Users/achang/Downloads/vocab/ run
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/achang/Development/ohdsi-project/project
[info] Set current project to ohdsi-project (in build file:/Users/achang/Development/ohdsi-project/)
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/achang/Development/ohdsi-project/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[info] Running com.github.amchang.ohdsi.Main
Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/
16/04/22 00:19:12 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
16/04/22 00:19:13 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
16/04/22 00:19:13 INFO Remoting: Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://sparkDriverActorSystem@]
conditionEra elapsed time: 2.508 s
doseEra elapsed time: 1.112 s
drugEraNonStockpile elapsed time: 1.06 s
drugEraStockpile elapsed time: 1.065 s
writing condition era at /tmp/condition_era_1461309564685
writing dose era at /tmp/dose_era_1461309576706
writing drug era non stockpile at /tmp/drug_era_non_stockpile_1461309576888
writing drug era stockpile at /tmp/drug_era_stockpile_1461309576994
[success] Total time: 31 s, completed Apr 22, 2016 12:19:37 AM

Program Options

Here are a whole list of options which can be passed to the program. HDFS file paths are supported.

  • -Dohdsi.vocab.location
    • The location of the vocabulary files. Full V5 download is required to run this program. Option is required.
  • -Dohdsi.vocab.delimiter
    • CSV delimiter of the vocabulary files. Default is \t.
  • -Dohdsi.vocab.conceptAncestor
    • CSV File containing concept ancestor data. Default is CONCEPT_ANCESTOR.csv.
  • -Dohdsi.vocab.concept
    • CSV File containing concept data. Default is CONCEPT.csv.
  • -Dohdsi.vocab.conceptAncestor
    • CSV File containing concept ancestor data. Default is CONCEPT.csv.
    • The location of the OMOP CDM v5 data to process. Option is required.
    • CSV File containing condition iccurrence data. Default is CDM_CONDITION_OCCURRENCE.csv.
    • CSV File containing drug exposure data. Default is CDM_DRUG_EXPOSURE.csv.
  • -Dohdsi.cache.enabled
    • Do we want to cache calculations for multiple runs? Default is true.
  • -Dohdsi.cache.location
    • Where do we want to cache calculations. Default is /tmp (don't add trailing slash).
  • -Dohdsi.csv.enabled
    • Do we want to save results? Default is true.
  • -Dohdsi.csv.location
    • Where do we want to save results? Default is /tmp/ (make sure to add trailing slash).
  • -Dohdsi.dateFormat
    • The date format of the data. Default is yyyyMMdd.
  • -Dohdsi.driver.memory
    • The memory the Spark driver should use. Default is 8g.


There are two main options to get data to run the program (assuming you do not generate it yourself).

  1. Small set of hand made data.
  2. Use the etl-cms project to generate a large set of data.


This project currently is 100% (outside of the main driver application) unit tested.

To run unit tests, use the following command.

./sbt/sbt test


There are several deviations or variances from the original implementation of this project makes that may be worthy to take note of.

  1. Bug fixes
    • The results created by the original era-constructor project had several obvious errors that were so patched in this project.
  2. Spec reinterpretation
    • The era's created by era-constructor project are an interpretation of the DRUG_ERA, DOSE_ERA, and CONDITION_ERA of the CDM v5 Data Model. This project also inteprets those same specifications however differs in some minor ways leading to differences in results between comparing the original project to this project.
  3. Memory usage and other settings
    • If you to change the Spark or Memory settings that are not configurable, you will need to modify the sbt/sbt script and Main.scala.

Future Work

  • Write integration tests with real data
  • Publish library code as a JAR to Maven for library only reuse
  • Consider using a dockerized environment for development
  • Use an external Spark server for data processing

Reference Paper and Video

If interested, please email Adrian Chang for links for a corresponding video presentation and written paper explaining the entire project.


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