This repo contains all the code of the website from and the Telegram chatbot functionality
Uses the default Django development server.
Check that you have your and If for some reason these files are not generated, remember that you can find samples in the repository.
$ cat DEBUG=1 SECRET_KEY=zeBlas2JOF4PKSCX355yM6kT6WmMO24r DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=localhost [::1] SQL_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql SQL_DATABASE=kronobot_dev SQL_USER=kronobot SQL_PASSWORD=dx!iT*YKan3CH6hBxet&6wRsl05Z SQL_HOST=db SQL_PORT=5432 DATABASE=postgres $ cat POSTGRES_USER=kronobot POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dx!iT*YKan3CH6hBxet&6wRsl05Z POSTGRES_DB=kronobot_dev
Create docker volumes to save the data:
$ docker volume create --name=kronobot_postgres_data_dev $ docker volume create --name=kronobot_grafana
Build the images and run the containers:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Test it out at http://localhost:8000. The "app" folder is mounted into the container and your code changes apply automatically. Grafana dashboard will be accesible in http://localhost:3000.
You will have to configure the the Dockerhub account, the Github actions for the CI/CD, DNS and the production server:
Dockerhub: You must create an access token to download the Docker images from the production server. Then you must create the following repositories in your Docker Hub account:
- kronobot
- kronobot-nginx
- kronobot-prometheus
Production server: For this example we will be using Digital Ocean. Digital Ocean provides with droplets with Docker pre-installed. For an easy installation, I really recommend you to use those droplets.
To deploy, you must create a deploy SSH key in your local machine that is going to be used to stablish connection between the CI/CD service and your production server. The following command will create a private ssh key at ~/.ssh/id_deploy_rsa and a public ssh key at ~/.ssh/
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -f ~/.ssh/id_deploy_rsa -N ''
To let Github actions deploy to your production server, you must add the in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file inside the production server.
$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAACEzaC1yc2E...GvaQ" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Environment files: Once the server is created, you must copy the .env files in the production server inside /opt/kronobot path.
$ cat $ cat $ cat $ cat
Github actions: You must enable Github actions in your Github repository and add the required secrets inside Github
- Push this repository to Github.
- Enable actions inside Repository > Settings > Actions > Actions permissions > Allow all actions.
- Create the following secrets inside Repository > Settings > Secrets.
- DOCKERHUB_USERNAME: Username of your Docker Hub.
- DOCKERHUB_TOKEN: Access token generated previously in Docker Hub.
- PRODUCTION_SERVER_USER: User used to connect to the production server via SSH.
- PRODUCTION_SERVER_IP: Public IP of the production server.
- SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: Generated deploy RSA private key (id_deploy_rsa).
- SSH_PUBLIC_KEY: Generated deploy RSA public key (
DNS: It's important that the DNS records are setup properly before deploying the app to the production server. You will need to make sure that you have the following records:
To execute a command inside the Django container in DEVELOPMENT environment.
$ docker-compose exec web python shell
To execute a command inside the Django container in PRODUCTION environment.
$ docker-compose -f exec web python shell
To create Django migrations. In case you want to execute this in production environment, remember to use the -f parameter.
$ docker-compose exec web python makemigrations
To execute Django migrations. In case you want to execute this in production environment, remember to use the -f parameter.
$ docker-compose exec web python migrate
To create Django admin superuser. In case you want to execute this in production environment, remember to use the -f parameter.
$ docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
To configure the debugger in Pycharm you can use guide in the following link. Remember that you must have a professional license to use this feature.