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Packages and Behaviors

Adrian Cockcroft edited this page Sep 21, 2015 · 6 revisions

archaius.go - Global configuration variables

architecture.go - Load and run an architecture specification

asgard.go - Tooling to create and run any architecture

chaosmonkey.go - Tooling to delete a service instance at random

collect.go - Tooling to interface to metrics export package

denominator.go - Nanoservice implementing a DNS endpoint

edda.go - Nanoservice logging nodes and connection state

elb.go - Nanoservice implementing elastic load balancer

eureka.go - Nanoservice implementing per zone service registry

fsm.go - Code to create and run a sea of pastafarian pirates

gotocol.go - Common message protocol definition for nanoservices

graphjson.go - Tooling to store topology as a json graph

graphml.go - Tooling to store topology in GraphML standard format

karyon.go - Nanoservice implementing NetflixOSS business logic

migration.go - Code to migrate from LAMP to NetflixOSS

monolith.go - Nanoservice implementing monolithic business logic

names.go - Tooling to create an AWS style naming scheme

pirate.go - Nanoservice simulating end user social network

priamCassandra.go - Nanoservice implementing managed (Priam) Cassandra

Cross zone triple replicated and sharded store (specify itself as a dependency) that can also connect cross region (specify eureka as a dependency). Sharding uses an evenly partitioned hash "ring" similar to Cassandra, and requests will be passed on to the right nodes to be written, or read.

spigo.go - Configure and start simulation

staash.go - Nanoservice Storage Tier as a Service

store.go - Nanoservice implementing generic storage

zuul.go - Nanoservice implementing proxy routing

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