Tools and Scripts to integrate Mandelbulber Fractal Software into VFX Pipelines
Mandelbulber VFX Tools is a work in progress collection of little Tools and helper Scripts to integrate Mandelbulber Fractals into a VFX Pipeline. Mainly ©SideFX Houdini and ©The Foundry's Nuke. All the code is developed during my studies at Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in the course Animation & Visual Effects.
Mandelbulber VFX Tools is in a work in progress, prototype stage and for experimental use. It may contain bugs and the code is not fully cleaned up. Feel free to customize and enhance to your needs.
Compatible with Houdini 17.+ | Tested with 17.5.425
Compatible with Nuke 12.+ | Tested with 12.0v3
Compatible with Mandelbulber 2.22+ | Tested with 2.22
- Clone or copy repository.
Add path to repository into HOUDINI_PATH environment variable (e.g. in houdini.env file or startup scripts)
HOUDINI_PATH = &;<PATH_TO_FOLDER>/mandelbulber_vfx_tools/houdini
- Add HOU Mandelbulber shelf to Houdini shelfes
In startup script, add to NUKE_PATH and NUKE_MENU_PATH
set "NUKE_PATH=&;<PATH_TO_FOLDER>/mandelbulber_vfx_tools/nuke/src/nuke;<PATH_TO_FOLDER>/mandelbulber_vfx_tools/nuke/gizmos" set "NUKE_MENU_PATH=&;<PATH_TO_FOLDER>/mandelbulber_vfx_tools/nuke"
Add to
<MY_MENU>.addCommand("Import Mandelbulber Cam", "nuke_mandelbulber.createExrCamMandelbulber()")
- Optional: Git SVN
Download SVN
Run the following command:
svn export
- Open Houdini / Open Animation Editor / Open Python Shell / Open HOU Mandelbulber Shelf
- Click on Import Animation Shelf Tool and select .fract File
- Edit Keyframes in Houdini Animation Editor Pane
- Export back to Mandelbulber .fract File with Export Animation Shelf Tool
- Open Houdini / Open Python Shell / Open HOU Mandelbulber Shelf
- Click on Create MDB Cam Shelf Tool and select first Frame of Mandelbulber .exr Sequence
- A animated Houdini Camera matching the Mandelbulber Camera will be created based on .exr Metadata
- Can be used within Houdini or exported as Alembic
- Supports Perspective, Stereo, Equirectangular and Stereo Equirectangular Cameras
- Open Houdini / Open Python Shell / Open HOU Mandelbulber Shelf
- Click on Create MDB Lights Shelf Tool and select Mandelbulber .fract File
- Only enabled Lights from Mandelbulber will be imported
- Limited to 1 Main Light and 4 Auxiliary Lights available in Mandelbulber
- Select Read Node with rendered Mandelbulber EXR Sequence
- Click Import Mandelbulber Cam in the menu you set up
- A animated Camera matching the Mandelbulber Camera will be created based on .exr Metadata
- Supports Perspective, Stereo, Equirectangular and Stereo Equirectangular Cameras
- Mandelbulber VFX Tools are developed during my studies at Animationsinstitut at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in the course Animation & Visual Effects.
Thanks a lot for helping making Mandelbulber more useable in Animation and VFX!
- Krzysztof Marczak - Main Developer of Mandelbulber
- Sebastian Jennen - Developer of Mandelbulber
- MCLarekin - Developer of Mandelbulber