It sends data to a database. If database is unavailable, after 2 tries it will write into files in configurated directory. When the connection is back, it will resend data to DB in same query orders. Data table must contains field_server_id, to support multiinstanced daemons
db,_ := gorm.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=%s&parseTime=True",
writer := dbwriter.New(dbwriter.WriteConfig{
Db: db,
Log: logrus.New(),
FilePath: mainConfig.DataWriter.FilePath,
ServerId: mainConfig.ServerId,
TickTimeMs: 500, // it will send aggregated data to db every half second
MaxConnectTimeSec: 2*60, // time, which for mysql connection is alive
data := struct {
id int `gorm:column:id`
name string `gorm:column:name`
created time.Time `gorm:column:created`
}{1, "Name", time.Now()}
*do not create additional writer instance without need
*those queries are not injections save
This package allows creating server response. We can choose from HTML, Json (if we need to set body nonstring type) or JSONMessage (if the body is a string) response types.