Yeoman generator
This generator generates a simple REST api using hapijs framework. Just follow the generator instructions and create your own api.
- Framework: Hapijs
- Database: Mongodb via mongoose
- Documenation: swagger via hapi-swagger plugin
- Server definition: /lib/index.js (Plugins, ports, etc.)
- Version 1 of api as plugin: /lib/v1/index.js (routes, params, validations, etc.)
- Joi validation schema for post and put route: /lib/v1/schemas/modelSchema.js
- Mongoose model: /lib/v1/models/modelModel.js
- Request handler: /lib/v1/handlers/*.js (get, post, put, delete handlers)
npm install -g generator-hapi-rest-api
mkdir address_rest_api
cd address_rest_api
yo hapi-rest-api
? Would is the name of your resource? (address)
? What are the fields of the resource? (street:string,street_number:number,postcode:number,city:string,is_deleted:bool)
? On what port do you want this api to listen? (8500)
? What is the name of your project? (address_rest_api)
? What is the name of the db collection? (addresses)
? What is the url of your db instance? (localhost:27017)
? What is the git url of this project? (<github_user>/<project_name>)
node index
go to http://localhost:8500/documentation
- todo: add acceptance tests
- todo: use npm config module
- todo: add authentication
- add subgenerators for new routes, models, schemas, ...