Introduction: This html program, which runs in browsers which can use the HTML5 canvas and audio elements, can be used to create interesting sound-scapes of orbs. They both look and sound interesting and can be made however the user desires.
Controls: Left Click to add and select a "node". The horizontal position of the node determines the note that will be played by thenode, the vertical position determines the volume; higher is louder.
If nodes are selected, clicking anywhere on the background not occupied by a node will deselect all selected nodes. Clicking on a node will add it to the list of selected nodes.
When a node/nodes are selected, press Z to add a "spinner". Spinners play the sound that is determined by their parent node whenever they cross the x axis to the right of the parent node.
Moving your mouse around will also move around all un-ancored spinners.
Pressing X deletes the last added spinner of all selcted nodes. Pressing C will lock down all unlocked spinners for selected nodes. Unselecting the nodes will also lock down all unlocked spinners. Pressing F will clear and reset the canvas.
WARNING: Be careful about making too many spinners, because Audio elements are not well supported in HTML5 yet, so your browser may crash.