Version 2.0.0 is not backwards compatible.
AutoStyleExtension for Medium Editor allows auto-styling of words. The auto-styling is defined by a configuration object, which gets passed to the constructur.
In detail:
- Words and the CSS style to be applied to these words.
- Words and the CSS class to be applied to these words.
- Whether case matching is to be performed.
- Whether words only are matched, or substrings, too.
Try out the live example.
npm install medium-editor
npm install medium-editor-auto-style-extension
MediumEditor = require('medium-editor');
AutoStyleExtension = require('medium-editor-auto-style-extension');
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path>/medium-editor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path>/auto-style.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.combine-class-one {
border: 2px dotted green;
.combine-class-two {
<div class="editable">CömbineStyleAndClass, CombineStyles, CombineClasses, gräy gräyx, oraNGE oraNGEX, ÖÖÖ</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = new MediumEditor('.editable', {
extensions: {
'auto-highlight': new AutoStyleExtension({
config: {
sectionA: {
matchcase: false,
wordsonly: false,
class: 'combine-class-one',
style: 'color:red;',
words: ['CömbineStyleAndClass']
sectionB: {
matchcase: false,
wordsonly: false,
style: 'background-color:#aaa;',
words: ['gräy']
sectionC: {
matchcase: true,
wordsonly: true,
style: 'background-color:orange;',
words: ['oraNGE']
sectionD: {
matchcase: true,
wordsonly: true,
class: 'combine-class-one',
words: ['CombineClasses']
sectionE: {
matchcase: true,
wordsonly: true,
class: 'combine-class-two',
words: ['CombineClasses']
sectionF: {
matchcase: true,
wordsonly: true,
style: 'border: 2px dotted green;',
words: ['CombineStyles']
sectionG: {
matchcase: true,
wordsonly: true,
style: 'background-color:gold;',
words: ['CombineStyles']
sectionH: {
matchcase: false,
wordsonly: false,
style: 'background-color:silver;',
words: ['ÖÖÖ']
Additional methods allow manipulation of sections during runtime
getConfig: function() {
setConfig: function(config) {
removeConfigSection: function(sectionName) {
setConfigSection: function(sectionName, sectionObject) {
// Applies all config styles to the text.
// Useful for triggering via external code.
applyStyles: function() {
Changing the configuration does not cause re-evaluation of the content implicitly. Call the function applyStyles()
manually to re-evaluate the style of the content.
var extension = editor.getExtensionByName('auto-style');
extension.setConfigSection('your-section-name', {
matchcase: false,
wordsonly: true,
//class: 'a-class',
style: 'color:red;',
words: ['some','red','words']
- Call
to apply configuration modification made during runtime - Tried to fix some weired unicode behavious during word matching.
- Allows for CSS- and Class-combination of words present in more than one section.
- Reworked configuration structure
- Added unicode support
- Added configuration modification during runtime
This implementation is based on the inbuild AutoLink plugin of Medium Editor.