git clone ~/.vim
Make Vim aware of your preferred configuration by creating these symlinks:
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
I put Vim's backup and swap files in ~/tmp
, so that directory must exist. To
be sure, run:
mkdir ~/tmp
Vim plugins are installed via vim-plug. You can pull them down by
firing up vim
then running the following in vim
Since I'm using the coc.nvim here's a list of typical plugins,
:CocInstall coc-pyright coc-json coc-tsserver coc-html coc-git coc-sql coc-docker coc-css
Now that's all done for good measure go ahead a restart vim.
Adding plugins is simple under vim-plug simply checkout the examples in vimrc
Occassionally I'll do Java development and IdeaVim has gotten to a point that it's just less painful, I've found, to do such development in an IDE. When that's called for I'll symlink the IdeaVim setup:
ln -s ~/.vim/ideavimrc ~/.ideavimrc
A big shout out to Drew Neil whose Vim cast I based this setup on.